Chapter 25

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Next morning


I tried to sneak back into the house as quietly as i could . Tupac had just dropped me off . I offered to get a taxi instead but he refused to make me pay for a taxi . The gesture was sweet but I lowkey think that he wanted to drop me off hoping that he would catch a glimpse of Eric and all hell would break loose . I got the vibe that Tupac was kind of a shit starter by the way that he purposely got out of his car and opened the door for me all the while looking around at Eric's mansion just smirking with this sinister expression on his face . He boldly walked me up to the door and planted a kiss on my lips before hopping back into his car and driving away .

As i searched for the spare key under a flower pot , I hoped with everything in me that Eric was still asleep . I knew this was most likely untrue because he barely slept , he was always up early as hell in the morning just getting involved in some of everything .

Taking a deep breath , I unlocked the door and placed the spare key back in its hiding spot before i slowly pushed the door open . I sighed in relief when Eric was no where in sight . In fact , it seemed like he  wasn't even at home . The place was dark and quiet . I think today was my lucky day . I smiled to myself as i slowly crept towards my bedroom , still being cautious . Throwing open my bedroom door , I almost shitted myself as i turned my light on . Lo and behold there was Eric Wright sitting on the edge of my bed with an angry expression on his face .

I didn't know what to say or do . I just stood there looking like a deer caught in headlights .

"W-what are you doing in here ?" I stammered as i ran my right hand through my hair nervously .

"This is my house , I have the right to be in every room in this motherfucker . Where the hell were you last night , Ajani ? Answer me that ," Eric said as he pinched the bridge of his nose . He looked like he was trying to control his anger .

"I was out with Nicole ," I replied ,  telling half of the truth .

"Oh really ? Word on the street is , you and Nicole were being some hoes last night while me, Dre , and the rest of N.W.A were working our asses off in the studio last night . Matter of fact you were seen leaving the club with some nigga ."

I had my best poker face on . I knew nobody but Suge snitched on Nicole and I with his big fat ass . I swear i couldn't stand his overgrown ass .

"Yeah we went to the club but we weren't being hoes . We were just dancing and hanging out ," I lied weakly . I knew i was caught .

Eric laughed dryly showing that he thought i was a joke and that he didn't believe a word that was coming out of my mouth . "Did you fuck somebody else last night ?" He asked getting straight to the point .

I looked down as he tried to make eye contact with me . Even though he has done hella dirt and we really weren't together anymore , i couldn't stop the guilt they crept inside of my body . I'd in fact had sex with Tupac last night and I regretted it . It wasn't the fact that the sex was bad , it was just the fact that he wasn't Eric . Eric knew how to touch me and do everything right . Plus it was fucked up how i was now back here in Eric's house after i'd just gotten through having sex with another man the night before .

My silence gave Eric his answer . Hurt flashed across his face for a small second before he quickly covered it up and smirked and just nodded his head as if he were saying "bet" . There was another long pause .

"Eric i'm sorry ," I whispered as i looked at him with sad eyes .

"Nah you good ma," he replied giving me a bitter smile but i could that he was still mad .

"Eric , really . I was just hurt & emotional and i wanted to get back at you but it kinda blew up in my face," I confessed , dropping my head .

Eric didn't say anything . He just stared at me with a look of disgust .

"I can't do this anymore . You're moving out of my house . I'll pay for you an apartment somewhere close to here, but i can see that this isn't going to work out ."

I was shocked . Not once did i think that Eric would actually kick me out .

"Really ? You're going to kick me out after you did the same thing ? You're really being a hypocrite right now !"

"It doesn't matter . I'm not about to be disrespected."

"Nigga , i know you're not talking . First of all i fucked him because we're not even a couple anymore unlike you . You fucked not one , but two bitches and they both ended up pregnant so don't go there with me . Matter of fact , i'm not going anywhere ," I yelled as i sat down on my bed and folded my arms .

Eric laughed .

"All i gotta do is call my security guards and they'll carry your ass right out . Maybe i'll even tell them to take you back to your mama since she doesn't want anything to do with you ."

I stared at Eric and felt warm tears began to cascade down my face . He knew talking about my mother was a touchy subject for me .

His face softened as he saw me begin to cry .

"Ajani i'm sorry . I shouldn't have said that ," He said trying to put his hand on my shoulder but i shoved it away .

"Nah , you're good ," I said wiping my tears away as anger begin to take over . " You know what , fuck you . You don't have to kick me out , i'll gladly leave ."

I went over to the closet and started grabbing my clothes when i suddenly felt a sharp pain in my stomach which caused me to cry out and grab on to my stomach .

"Jani , are you okay ?"He asked with concern filled in his voice as he made his way over to me .

"Y-yeah i'm fine ," I replied as i tried to play it off as the pain begin to go away .

A few seconds later the same pain hit me again but harder this time .

"Oh my God , Eric I think something is wrong with the baby !" I yelled as the pain made me drop to my knees .

I could hear Eric calling my name in the background but i couldn't answer him . The pain in my stomach was too much . Suddenly everything went black .

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