Chapter 13

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Ajani on the way to the concert .
Eazy's introduction video from 1989 is also above .

3 years later (1989)


It's been 3 years since I last spoke or seen Eric in person . I guess i really pissed him off . I tried contacting him many times before I graduated high school but he just chose to ignore me and after a while i just gave up . After the whole incident , Cube and I kind of grew apart . He didn't really talk to me much at school and I didn't go over to his house anymore . I haven't seen or talked to him since graduation . My mom and Arlend haven't even attempted to contact me . I guess my mama forgot that she even had a daughter . Word on the street was that she actually had another child about a year ago .

Since then , N.W.A has blown up tremendously . Right now they were supposedly on tour . I , on the other hand, moved back to Texas . I now live in Houston . After I graduated , I found a job at an insurance company , so that's how I managed to get me a little 1 bedroom apartment and put food on my table . I was also able to buy me a little beat up Honda Civic . I haven't dated anybody else either, even though several dudes have tried to talk to me . It just doesn't feel the same . I really miss Eric . I don't put it past him to have gotten some more women pregnant with his babies since the last time we were together .

Walking into my little apartment , I gladly took off my heels that had been hurting my feet all day and hopped in the shower . I decided to eat the leftover lasagna that I'd made the other night . Looking around my empty kitchen I let the loneliness sink in . I had one friend from work . Her name was Nicole . I guess you can say we were besties . She really helped me get over my depression which was a lot worse than it is now . She was the same age as I was , 20. She was also kind of hood . She said that she grew up in 5th ward which is kind of a rough part of Houston .

After cleaning up the kitchen , I made my way to my room and climbed in the bed .

Just when I was about to get comfortable, my phone rang .

"ughhhh , what the hell ," I said rolling my eyes and reaching for the phone .

"Hello ?" I said annoyed .

"Girl , guess who's coming to town this weekend ?" Nicole said yelling into the phone . I had to hold the phone away from my ear for a second to keep my ear drums from bursting because of her loud ass mouth .

"Damn , calm down . Who's coming to town ?" I asked annoyed .

"You gotta guess ," she said laughing .

I gritted my teeth trying to control my anger .

"New Edition," I said thinking about Ralph's sexy ass .

"Nope , somebody even better ," Nicole giggled .

"Damn bitch just tell me already !" I snapped . I swear she acted like a little kid sometimes . 

"N.W.A," she finally said .

There was a long pause .

"You know i don't fuck with their shit ," I said trying to sound nonchalant but inside i was actually intrigued . I low key wanted to see Eric in person after all these years .

"Man , come on Jani . Your whole love affair with Eazy-E was three years ago . I'm sure he's moved on since then , he probably doesn't even remember you ," Nicole said .

Her words stung and I didn't reply to what she had said . Deep down inside i was hoping that Eric missed me as much as i missed him .

"Oh i'm sorry boo , I forgot ," Nicole said , remembering that Eric was still a touchy subject for me . "But you know that Dr. Dre is my baby . I'm determined to make him mine ," Nicole said getting excited all over again .

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