Chapter 24

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As soon as we made it to Eric's house , I grabbed my things and stormed inside . I didn't know if it was the pregnant hormones or what but i felt , hungry , angry , and horny at the same damn time . It was making me frustrated .

I went to the empty guest room downstairs and began angrily unpacking my things . I hope he didn't think that by moving me back in with him that i was going to sleep in the same bed as him . He had me fucked up . I swear to God i hated him so much at this moment .

"You need any help?" A voice said from behind me .

I paused and gritted my teeth angrily before choosing to ignore him and going back to unpacking my things and stuffing everything into drawers .

"Ajani , we need to talk about this like two adults . You being angry and stressed isn't good on the baby either ," Eric said as he began helping me unpack .

"Will you stop trying to use this baby as an excuse for everything . Hell , you and i both just found out that i was pregnant today , i'm not even that far along so it's really not that big of a deal ," I said exasperated . "Plus there's not even anything to talk about besides you not being able to keep your community dick in your pants ."

"Community dick ?" Eric said shocked . "I only fucked two other women while we were together . That's way better than how i did my other girlfriends . Trust me , I really do care about you and I feel remorseful . If i didn't care I wouldn't be trying this hard to get you to forgive me and take me back ."

"Oh you think it's not a big deal because you just fucked two women behind my back ? Nigga you didn't even use protection . You were fucking me and those two women raw . What if you would've given me an STD . You didn't think about that did you since you care so much ," I said turning around and getting all in his face .

It was obvious from his facial expression that he didn't think about how he was risking my health as well as his own .

"You're disgusting ," I said as i walked past him and into the restroom , locking the door behind me .

I just stayed in there and sat on the sink for about an hour . I hope it was long enough for him to get the hint that i didn't want to be bothered and to go on about his business for the day .

I slowly opened the bathroom door and peeped around the corner . Sure enough , Eric had disappeared but sitting on my bed was a chic fil a bag . My mouth started watering . I didn't realize how hungry i actually was .

Walking over to my bed , I reached into the bag and grabbed the chicken sandwich and fries out and began eating . I thought it was sweet that he'd actually gotten me some food even though i was locked in the bathroom for an hour trying to avoid him . It still didn't change the fact that i was mad at him though . It would be a long time before i can forgive him and even then i'm probably not going to be able to trust him fully ever again . There would always be that doubt in the back on my mind .

(2 days later)

I've been doing a good job at avoiding Eric . I rarely left the room . He had all of my food sent to my room . I guess he finally gave up trying to reason with me .

I guess i spoke to soon because just then i heard a knock on the door and then he let himself in .

"Yes ?" I asked side eyeing him . He didn't have a snapback on which caught me by surprise . I rarely saw him without some kind of snapback shoved over his jherri curl .

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