Chapter 23

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After i finished eating , i caught a taxi back to the hotel . I was of course tired again so i was probably just going to take a shower and hop in the bed . This has really become a routine of mine . I never left the hotel room unless it was to get me something to eat which was actually quite often .

Using the key , i unlocked the door and wanted to shut it right back . Sitting on the foot of the bed was Eric Wright himself and beside him were the three pregnancy tests that i'd thrown in the trash can earlier .

"What the fuck are you doing here and why were you digging in my trash can ?" I asked mugging him . A small part of me was actually happy to see him but the stubborn part of me was still mad about him impregnating two other women while we were together .

"You weren't going to tell me that you were pregnant with my child ?" Eric asked lowly , completely ignored my questions .

I can't believe he had the audacity to show up here asking about a baby as if he didn't already have 20 other kids and baby mama's running all over the place .

"How do you know it's yours ? It could be somebody else's baby ," I taunted as i walked over to him and snatched the three pregnancy tests up .

I knew damn well it was Eric's baby . He's the only nigga i've ever been with .

Eric gave me a "yeah right" look which i returned with a blank facial expression .

"Who do you think you're fooling . You and i both know that child that you're carrying is mine ," Eric said confidently .

"If you say so ," I said still playing my little game .

Eric startled me by laughing loudly like he was fucking crazy .

"Ajani , you're really funny, you know that right ?" He said as he pretended to wipe a tear from his eyes .

"How did you find me ?" I asked , already knowing the answer .

"Uh you were using my credit card so of course my bank was going to send me a statement letting me know when and where my credit card was being used ," He replied smartly . "I request a statement from my bank every other day so i knew where you were almost immediately after you disappeared. I was just trying to give you time to cool off."

I didn't know what to say so i just gave him a stank look while he just stared at me smirking .

"Get your stuff , we're about to go home ," He said standing up .

It was my turn to laugh now .

"Nigga you gotta be out your batty ass mind if you think i'm going back home with your cheating ass ," I said crossing my arms and rolling my neck .

"Look , i want you around so i can keep and eye on you and my baby . I don't want the mother of my child staying in a hotel room for the next 9 months ," Eric said trying to reason with me .

"Nah , fuck that . How about you go and get Tracy and move her in with you since she's the one you got pregnant first . She's further along than i am . Go keep an eye on her," I yelled as i went over and layed down in the middle of my bed .

"I told you i was sorry about that . It was a mistake ," Eric said walking over to the bed so that he was now standing over me .

"Well go get the random groupie that you impregnated too . I'm sure she'll be more than happy to move in with you . I'm sure she's going to put your ass on child support anyway so you might as well go ahead & practice taking care of her and your child ," I said turning on my side not wanting to look at Eric in the face any longer .

I heard him sigh before feeling the bed dip as he took a seat beside me . I still didn't turn around .

"I didn't want to have to do this but you leave me no choice ,"Eric said snapping his fingers .

Before i could ask him what he was talking about , two of Eric's body guards had come out of their hiding spot in my closet and over to the bed .

One of them yanked me up and threw me over his shoulder while the other one grabbed my belongings .

"What the hell ?" I yelled as i started kicking and hitting the body guard carrying me over his shoulder . "Put me down !"

"Eric ! Tell them to put me down now !" I demanded as the body guard started walking towards the door while Eric followed behind him smirking .

I was beyond pissed . I swear when we got to his house , i was going to beat his ass .

All the way to the lobby , i struggled with the body guard , drawing the attention of onlookers who were looking at me like i was crazy . I didn't care though . Eric didn't have the right to do this .

After the body guard roughly placed me in the back of a black SUV , Eric climbed in the back seat with me while the two body guards climbed in the front and drove off . I swear to God if i wasn't pregnant and was risking my baby's life , I would jump out of this moving car .

Glancing over at Eric , I saw that he had a satisfied expression on his face . All i wanted to do was smack his ass .

"You're childish as fuck for this ," I said as i glared at him . If looks could kill , his ass would be so dead .

He turned his head and looked at me with a smile playing on his lips .

"It's not being childish , it's called returning what's rightfully mine back home ," Eric said as he licked his lips .

"I'm not yours, i never was . Shouldn't you be this worried about Tracy . She looks like she could have that baby at any given moment ," I replied .

Eric smacked his teeth and looked out the window not even bothering to reply to what i had just said .

I guess he was big mad ...

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