Chapter 20

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We finally made it back to California . I forgot how much i missed Cali . It was still as beautiful as i remembered it . While everyone was getting their stuff off of the tour bus , I suddenly felt somebody tap me on the shoulder . Slowly turning around , I was face to face with Cube which shocked me . He's been acting hella shady lately and hasn't really said much to me . I looked at him waiting on him to speak but he didn't . Instead he grabbed my chin and shocked me by smashing his lips to mine . Before i could push him away , he had already let me go and was smiling hard as fuck at Eric who was mugging the shit out of him .

"See y'all punk niggas later . I'm through with this wack ass shit ," Cube said as he chunked up the duces and walked over to a black low rider , hopped in , and started driving off .

Before he could get far , shots suddenly sounded through the air . Beside me , Eric had pulled out one of his assault rifles and was shooting up Cube's car as he drove away .

"Eric !" I yelled shocked .

Even then he didn't stop . He just kept firing rounds at Cube . I'm surprised Cube didn't get hit by a bullet .

Jerry suddenly ran over to Eric and snatched the gun out of his hand .

"Got damn Eric , are you fucking crazy shooting up someone's car in broad daylight ?" Jerry yelled all red in the face .

Eric just gave him a blank stare . Nobody really took Jerry serious . He was just the Jew that worked for us .

"Fuck that bitch nigga . He ain't gone last a year in this music business by himself ." Eric said , forgetting all about me and walking towards his BMW .

Everyone else was just standing around in shock at what had just played out in front of them . I rolled my eyes as i grabbed my stuff and hurried off behind Eric . Nicole decided she was going to move in with Dre ,so i left her behind with him .

The car ride to Eric's house was long and quiet . He didn't say anything and i didn't either . He just had a deadly grip on the steering wheel and looked straight ahead the whole time . I don't really think that he was mad about the fact that Cube was leaving the group . I think he was really pissed about the fact that Cube had just kissed me again but this time in front of everybody .

When we made it to the house , Eric grabbed his stuff and stormed inside and left me sitting in the car staring after him . This nigga is really acting like a female . I hope he doesn't call himself mad at me for something that Cube did again .

Sighing , I grabbed my stuff and followed behind Eric . I didn't know where his master bedroom was because this was my first time stepping foot into his new mansion . It was gorgeous and way bigger than his other house back in Compton . I just went over to the couch and sat there and waited until Eric decided he was through throwing his little temper tantrum .

About an hour later he finally reappeared . He had changed into his signature button down , creased baggy pants , and a Compton snapback . He had a blunt in his hand which he was puffing on as he stared at me intently .

"Well are you going to say anything ?" I asked tired of him just staring at me .

He remained silent .

"You know what , if you wanna throw a bitch fit like you did last time we were together then fine . I don't give a damn . I don't have time to deal with you if you want to get mad and cut me off for every little thing . You saw him just walk up to me and kiss me and you also saw me not react to it ," I said standing up . "I can happily get my stuff and catch a flight right back to Houston ."

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