Chapter 16

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"Jani , wait !" I heard Eric yell behind me .

I swung around angry as fuck .

"What the fuck do you want ?" I asked . "I should've just stayed in Houston if you were going to act like this ."

"Look i know you're made but baby you gotta remember that we haven't been together in three years and you already know that I've fucked more females since then . Hell, i even told you that i had two more kids born . Even right now we're still not together ." He explained looking me in my eyes .

I still didn't say anything .

"You honestly have no right to be mad . I didn't even like Michell'le at the time . I just wanted something to fuck and she was available. I only hit it once ," He continued .

I though about what he'd just said . I knew he was right .

"You're right , I have no right to be mad . I'm sorry ," I apologized feeling kind of embarrassed for showing my ass in front of all those people back there .

"Aye , don't apologize to me , apologize to Michell'le . You kinda fucked her face up real good ," Eric said laughing .

I laughed too as I thought about how she looked when before i stormed away .

"It'll be a cold day in hell before I ever apologize to her trifling ass ," I said as Eric and i began walking back inside of the building .


Later that night I had changed into a short black dress with some red pumps . I was standing backstage next to Nicole who as usual , was excited .

I wish i could be happy all the damn time .

I think the police knew what was up because it seemed as if the whole Detroit police department was at this concert . It's never been this many police officers at an N.W.A concert before . I was excited on the low . I had already asked Eric were they going to perform "Fuck The Police" anyway and he'd said "Hell Yeah . Wasn't no punk ass cop going to tell N.W.A what to fucking rap."

The show began and everything was going good . It seemed as if the police officers had kind of relaxed some . Little did they know , in a few minutes N.W.A was about to fuck shit up .

Finally it was almost time for the concert to end and Cube told Dre to stop the music .

Everyone looked around in curiosity not knowing what the hell was about to happen . I smirked . I knew exactly what they were about to do . The police seemed to grown more on edge as Cube paced around the stage menacingly with his signature scowl just looking at the audience who were waiting to see what was going to happen next .

Suddenly he stopped and looked over at Eric and then at Dre and they all nodded their heads at each other .

Oh shit .

"Aye , hold up , hold up , y'all know what the motherfucking police tried to tell us backstage ?" Cube asked the audience .

They were going wild .

"They tried to tell us what the fuck we can't play . Motherfuckers trying to tell us what the fuck we can't say !" Cube continued , still walking around the stage with a scowl on his face .

"This N.W.A , we say what the fuck we wanna say ." Cube said stopping again . "So everybody put your middle fingers high in the sky to the punk police back stage ," Cube instructed as he put his middle finger up and the audience did the same thing .

I started smiling big as fuck . This shit was really about to happen . Beside me I could see Jerry getting nervous .

At this point the police officers were on high alert . Some were even slowly moving towards the stage .

The audience was taking everything in . They were hype as fuck . I think they had an idea of what was about to happen now .

"Yo Dre!"

"What up ?"

"I got something to say !"

And the song started .

Fuck the police coming straight from the underground
A young nigga got it bad cause I'm brown
And not the other color so police think
they have the authority to kill a minority
Fuck that shit, cause I ain't the one
for a punk motherfucker with a badge and a gun
to be beating on, and thrown in jail
We can go toe to toe in the middle of a cell
Fucking with me cause I'm a teenager
with a little bit of gold and a pager
Searching my car, looking for the product
Thinking every nigga is selling narcotics
You'd rather see, me in the pen
than me and Lorenzo rolling in a Benz-o
Beat a police out of shape
and when I'm finished, bring the yellow tape
To tape off the scene of the slaughter
Still getting swoll off bread and water
I don't know if they fags or what
Search a nigga down, and grabbing his nuts
And on the other hand, without a gun they can't get none
But don't let it be a black and a white one
Cause they'll slam ya down to the street top
Black police showing out for the white cop
Ice Cube will swarm
on ANY motherfucker in a blue uniform
Just cause I'm from, the CPT
Punk police are afraid of me!
HUH, a young nigga on the warpath
And when I'm finished, it's gonna be a bloodbath
of cops, dying in L.A.
Yo Dre, I got something to say

At this point undercover cops who were in the audience begin making their way towards the stage while waving their badges . I could see that this was about to get out of control . When the chorus came the audience started singing along .

Fuck the police fuck fuck fuck the police .

I have to admit , everyone was turnt . Even I was singing along to the chorus when suddenly police officers stormed the stage .

The boys took off running backstage . Eric paused and grabbed my hand before pulling me along with him and the rest of the boys . We thought we had gotten away until we turned the corner outside the building and realized that we were blocked . The officers had surrounded us .

We all started cussing and resisting as the officers roughly grabbed us and handcuffed us .

"Aye man , don't be grabbing on her like that ," Eric yelled as an officer jerked my hands behind my back roughly .

"Shut up !" A white officer yelled as he shoved Eric into the back of a van along with the other members .

"Fuck the police !" I yelled as they threw me inside the van along with everybody else .

When I got inside the boys were cracking up . From the looks of it , the audience had followed us outside and were rioting .

I can't believe this actually happened all because of a song ...

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