Chapter 19

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Today was the last day of the tour . I was kinda happy . Touring is fun and all but not when you had to practically live out of a tour bus . Yeah we had hotel rooms too but a majority of the time we slept on the bus or we got ready on the bus which is something i really wasn't very fond of . Eric and I have gotten really close . I really wanna officially tell him that i love him instead of blurting it out while we're having sex but i'm kind of scared . I don't want to get rejected . My thoughts were suddenly interrupted by a high pitched voice yelling . Looking over my shoulder i saw Dre , Nicole , and Michel'le coming out of the elevator yelling their asses off .

"I can't believe you've been sleeping around with that bitch ," Michel'le yelled shoving Dre .

He mugged the shit out of her and for a second i thought he was about to hit her . I remember Eric telling me that Dre could get pretty rough with women .

"Who are you calling a bitch ?" Nicole yelled trying to step around Dre who was in between the two yelling women .

They'd gotten the attention of the whole lobby . I couldn't help but laugh at the scene before me . This must've been how i looked when i'd gotten into it with Miche'le before that detroit concert when we were all arrested .

"You , you trifling heffer . Every since you and your friend came along , you've been trying to get my man . Don't think i didn't see you undressing him with your damn eyes every chance you got ," Michel'le screamed .

What she said was true though . Nicole wanted her man bad but that was my best friend so i wasn't going to judge .

Nicole looked at Michel'le offended before raising her right hand and striking her across the face . Michel'le was a little woman so it didn't take much to knock her down to the ground .

By this time all of the other members of N.W.A were all in the lobby now and were just standing back taking in the scene before them . They all had the same look of amusement on their faces . Eric saw me looking over there at them from across the room and licked his lips and winked at me causing me to smile and blush . We'd been having sex a lot lately and i have to admit that was now my favorite activity to do at night .

We all stared to see what Michel'le's reaction was going to be . She got up looked at Nicole in the eye and spat right in her face . Everyone was shocked as hell . Nicole smiled at her calmly and then all hell broke loose . She grabbed Michel'le's neck and started choking her and bashing her face in . When would this chick ever learn not to pick fights when she knew that she couldn't fight .

Dre didn't even try to break it up . He just watched and laughed along with everybody else . Some boyfriend he was .

After a while the hotel security came and broke up the fight and kicked our whole entire crew out . We didn't care though . This wasn't the first hotel that we'd gotten kicked out of .

"Dre , why didn't you try to help your woman out ?" Eric asked him laughing as we got on the tour bus .

"I'm tired of her ass . I think i'm going to give Nicole a chance ," Dre replied making me smile . I guess my friend got her man after all .


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