Chapter 12

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The video at the top is a song that I thought went well with the way that Ajani is going to be feeling by the end of this chapter . It's called "Sleeping With a Broken Heart" by Alicia Keys .


Stop ," I said breathlessly as i pushed Cube back, breaking the kiss we had just shared .

He just stared at me with lust filled eyes . Clearly not remorseful at all about what had just happened .

"We shouldn't have done that Cube , that was a mistake , I don't like you ," I said trying to convince myself more that trying to convince him .

I didn't like Cube did I ? I mean he was cute and everything but I only thought of him as the brother that i never had . I couldn't cross that line with him . Especially since I currently date the dude that he considered his brother . Yeah , when things go wrong Cube is always the one that i run to but it's only because he's the first one that i met when i moved here and he's the one that I've bonded with the most besides Eric .

Cube just stared at me blankly as he ran his finger over his lips .

"Nigga , are you going to say anything ?" I asked getting frustrated by his silence .

"Uh", He began as he rubbed the back of his neck , " I didn't mean to just spill my emotions out like that . I don't know what came over me . Just forget that it ever happened ," Cube mumbled as he got up and walked upstairs leaving me there still sitting on the couch . I guess that was my cue to leave .

All the way back to Eric's house , I couldn't help but think about Cube and his lips on mine . I had to admit , I did have feelings for Cube just a little bit but Eric is my baby and my feelings for Cube don't mean anything when it comes to Eric . Eric was the one for me . It was no way that i would trade him for anybody .

Parking Eric's car in the garage, I made my way inside the house and hopped in the shower . After changing into my pajamas , I got in the bed and pulled the covers up over my body . I felt lonely . I missed having Eric beside me . One thing that i did know though was that I was going to tell him about the kiss that I just had with Cube . We just got together and i didn't want any secrets or lies between us already . If he wanted to end our relationship then i was totally find with that . I mean i am the one who kissed another boy so I deserved whatever he threw at me .


The next morning , I rode back to the hospital nervously . Today was the day the that I was going to tell Eric about the kiss .

When I pulled up the the hospital , Eric was standing in the parking lot smiling . I gave him a weak smile back and parked the car .

"I see you didn't harm my car," Eric said bringing me into a tight hug .

I fell into his arms and closed my eyes breathing in his scent .

"I tried my best not to ," I said pecking his lips . He gripped my ass before grabbing the keys and making his was to the driver's seat .

I slowly followed behind him , scared about his reaction after i tell him about last night .

"How's the baby ?" I asked nervously .

"Oh she's fine . Their probably going home tomorrow , I'm taking her over to my parents .... Are you okay ?" he asked looking at my facial expression .

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