Chapter 21

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"Eric , this delusional woman is here claiming to be carrying your child ," I said laughing .

Eric looked like a deer caught in headlights .

"She's lying right ?" I asked not wanting to believe the obvious . Not wanting to believe that Eric had actually cheated on me .

He stared back at me as a look of guilt suddenly crossed his face giving me all the answers that i needed to know and i felt my heart breaking and sinking inside of my chest as tears began to form in my eyes .

I'd been cheated on ....

*End of Flashback*


I stood there and stared at Eric waiting on him to try and deny what Tracy had said but he had dropped his head and he couldn't even look me in my eyes .

"Um , i think i'll be back later . It's obvious that y'all have some things to talk about ," Tracy said smiling as she began to walk towards that door .

"Yeah bitch leave because i swear if you weren't pregnant , i would beat the fuck out of you ," I said mugging her ugly ass .

Tracy just scoffed and closed the door behind her . I turned my attention back to Eric .

"W-why ?" I was all i could manage to choke out as the tears began to overflow down my cheeks . I couldn't even try to hold them back if i wanted to .

Eric slowly looked up at me with a pained expression .

"I'm sorry . I don't know why i did it to be honest . She came on to me one night while i was in the studio by myself and i was weak and we needed up having sex , but i promise it didn't mean anything . I don't want to be with her . I only want to be with you," Eric said as he walked towards me and tried to grab my hand but i slapped his hand away . I was so disgusted at him .

"I've been faithful to you this whole time . Even when we weren't together , i didn't go out having sex with anybody else . You're the only man that i've ever been with . I kept my legs closed because i hoped that we would one day find our way back to each other which we did but now i wish i would have just moved on when i had the chance . Your multiple baby mamas should've been an example to me of what kind of man that you are ," I said breaking down into another fit of low cries .

"I fucked up but Ajani you have to believe me when i say that i love you . You're one of the best things that has ever happened to me . Please don't leave me ," Eric begged as i started walking upstairs and he followed behind me .

He had to be out of his damn mind if he thought that i wasn't going to leave his ass .

I grabbed my suit case and started throwing all of the clothes that i could fit inside of it while Eric stood there staring at me helplessly .

Suddenly Eric walked up behind and grabbed my arms .

"Don't leave me ," He whispered .

"Eric let me go ," I said between clenched teeth trying to get out of his grasp .

"No , i don't want you to leave me . I've never begged for a woman to stay with me before but i need you ." Eric pleaded .

Hearing him say that really pissed me off . I snapped .

Whirling around I started slapping him and punching him . While he tried to block my blows .

"You claim you fucking need me and that you don't want me to leave but you went out and got that bitch pregnant ! After all this time , you want to go fuck some easy pussy while you have a good woman like me waiting for you at home !" I yelled . "Now you have me here looking dumb !"

He finally managed to grab my wrists and pin my arms to my side while i was still ranting .

"Ajani calm down ," He said trying to reason with me .

"Calm down ? You want me to Calm down ?" I asked in disbelief . "Fuck that ... how many other women did you sleep with while we were together ? "Huh Eric ?"

He looked at me like he didn't want to answer me .

"Answer the damn question !" I demanded .

"Besides Tracy , I slept with a groupie who's pregnant too ," Eric confessed .

I snatched my arms out of his grip and and angrily grabbed my suitcase and stormed downstairs and out the door .

It would be a cold day in hell before i took Eric Wright back ....

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