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I ran up the stairs, hoping not to run into anybody else who lives under the same hellhole roof as i do.
Before I even make it to my room, I hear loud yellings of my name.

"JOSHUA GET DOWN HERE RIGHT NOW" her scratchy voice called out.

I looked around and saw my sister trembling in her room.
"Hey there kid, it'll be alright, ok? It won't be like this forever" I assured her, then cruised down the stairs, awaiting what I knew was bound to happen.

My mom walked up to me, hitting me in the face.

"Say it" her words spat in my face.

"No" I blanked.

"No?" she tested.

"No. I refuse to repeat your lies." I spat back.

"Well, I suppose I'll just have to teach you otherwise" she said, pulling out her half lit cigarette, embedding it into my arm.

I yelped, and she restrained me from yanking back.
She did not let up.
I felt tears prickle the back of my eyes as she pushed harder.

"Are you going to cry? Are you going to be weak? Like your father was? Please, oh please, do cry for me. I miss seeing his eyes filled with tears and fear. It's what kept me going. Please, show me what I've craved for for so long"
she smiled menacingly, her face wavering a few inches below my own.

I finally broke free, running out the house, her shouts and cursing becoming distant the further I ran.

"I'm straight."

Mom, please fuck off.

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