.n e e t r i h t.

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I stood over the only bridge in this one-horse town, the water churning black below.

I stepped one foot out, looking to the sky one last time.
I don't know what made me answer, or even have the audacity to text Tyler, but I answered.

I knew what he was trying to do, as I have been in his shoes and tried to save someone dear to me from this very situation.


She's gone. She's gone and it's all my fault. It's all my fault. It's all my fault it's allmy fau l t it's a l lm y fa ul t



Abigail walked through the front door, tripping over my body.

"J-Joshua?!" She yelled. Her face painted white with horror.

"A-Ab-Ah!" I scrunched in pain, gripping my most likely broken rib.

She bent down to help me, bringing me to a standing position. My ribs were bruised severely.

"Josh, you need to get to the hospital." Abigail turned for the doorknob, but was hit in the leg with an apple, rolling across the floor.

"Like hell he does." My... mother? said, eyes venomous to be seen.

"You, you are a monster! You beat him day after day, night after night! And for what? For what?! He's gay, so what?! Let him be happy! Let him be himself! Let him love who he wants! This is madness! You are mad! I hate you! I hate you I hate you I hate you! You would hit me too, if Josh didn't allow you to bruise him as you do! He takes my beatings as well as his. He is an amazing person, so why? Why do you hurt him?" Abigail was crying, shaking, and digging her nails in my arm, which I didn't mention.

Mom threw me off her shoulders, and slapped her across the face. She whimpered.

Mom grabbed her by her collar, and kneed her in the gut.

"N-No!" I yelled, "Stop! Please oh God stop!"

She did not stop.
She hit and kicked and punched until there was nothing left to be touched.

I couldn't get off the carpet, it had been dyed red with my blood. I am too weak. I can not save her.

The dreadful beast that forced us into this world kicked my beautiful sister in the face, in the temple, destroying the intellectual brain she possessed, the brain she would've used for so much good.

Abigail slumped against the door, eyes open and mouth agape.

I will never know just what good she would've been able to do.

-flashback over-

"F-F-For you, l-lil sis-s" I smiled, crying as I did so. 

A strong breeze came through, it was time. I leave now.  I breathed in, opening my arms. I leaned forward.

I mumbled quietly.

"I'm coming home, guys"

And suddenly, black.


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