.r o u f.

559 16 21

trigger warnin: josh's mom is a dick (:


I woke up the next day, suppressing the bad memories of yesterday, only to remember a small brown haired boy.

Might as well try to forget him too, he'd never be in my life ever again.

I take a shower and get dressed, grabbing my bag, and wake up my sister so she won't be late for her school.

I creep down the stairs and make my way out the door, only to feel something hit me in the back of the head.

I turn around to see an apple roll on the floor, and my mother give me a hellish smirk.

"Bye Bye, faggot" she smiled sweetly.

I rolled my eyes and waltz out the house, leaving the apple on the ground.

Wow mother, how mature of you.

I walked to my bus stop, and waited for five minutes, and then ten more minutes. After about twenty minutes I realized I must have just missed the bus when I left, and took off running to school.

I got out the subdivision and into the main road, and realized I'd have to run all the way across town.

The school wasn't that far away from the park, so I knew I'd be late.


I ended up at school fifteen minutes after the bell, trying to sneak into my first period class.

"-and yea uh, oh"

I stared at the boy in front of my class.

It was the brown haired beauty I stumbled upon at the park. Er- fell asleep on.

He was uh..
Troye? Trevor? Taylor?

Damn it what was this kids name?

"Hello Mr. Dun, I see you are a bit late today" my teacher glared at me.

I was bent over panting, running a solid 35 minutes puts a hurting on someone.

Especially as out of shape as I am.

Now there's something special about
Mrs. Swain. She's an older lady with red framed glasses, if she didnt have wrinkles around her eyes her eyeliner would be straight, and her lips are thin. She's constantly reapplying her lipstick, giving her lips an ashy pink matte look to them.
Rumors say she killed her husband.
Rumors also say the cafeteria poisons the milk here.

"Would you like to explain why you're late?" her wretchedness asked.

"I missed the bus" I mumbled.

"Hi Josh" Trevoyler(?) said, smiling at me.

"Hello?" I panted out.

"Josh this is Tyler, a new student. Since Tyler here seems to already know you, you'll show him around his schedule. ok?" Her voice sounded pushed, and she stared at me until I nodded.

I quickly took a seat next to an empty chair, not really wanting anything to do with anyone here.

Tyler went to sit, and sat next to me.
It was then I saw his stuff on the other side of his desk, almost just out of my sight.

"Shit" I whisper.

This boy was the last person I wanted to be next to all year.

Is he really going to be that important in my life that I can't seem to shake him?


okay but like
someone actually read this??
like wtf?
im nobody?
and somebody read my shit???
@you shit dog im sorry you had to read that like im literally awful at this.

but uh

~ross x

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