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I ran.
And ran.
For what felt like hours.
I ended up in this tiny park, which was about half an hour away from ho-
half an hour away from hell.
I sat down on the bench and watched a small girl on a swing set swing happily, as her mom pushed her from behind.
I watched for hours.
After a while I zoned out, and came back to. However, I was on someone's lap.
I quickly got off of the pair of black jeans that swayed slightly underneath my head.
I looked up, seeing a black hoodie, a pale neck holding a boy's face, and the most purest brown eyes I've ever seen.

"Oh, you're awake" he spoke. His voice sounded smoothed over, and that there was that lump in his throat, like the kind you get when you cry.

"I-I'm sorry to have fallen asleep on you." I stood up

"Nah dude you're fine. I saw you were just kinda sitting here, didn't seem to be paying attention to much. Figured it'd be a nice place to just sit and think with you." he smiled.
His smile didnt seem to fully reach his eyes, but it was there.

"After a few minutes I noticed you were asleep. Another two minutes and you'd fallen ontop my lap. I didn't want to wake you, it seems as if you could use all the sleep you can get." he continued.

"Oh, sorry. Honestly you could've left or told me to go somewhere else." I stammered.

"Coulda, woulda, shoulda, didn't" he replied.

"Well, Im Josh. Josh Dun. Maybe Ill see you around?" I held out my hand

"Pleasure to meet you Josh, Im Tyler. Joseph. Tyler Joseph." He took my hand and shook it, then stood up as well.

He hugged me.

"Where are you going from here?" He asked

I panicked

"O-Oh um... I-I I'm uh, actually, hah well um, you s-see I'm actually just g-gonna-"

"Josh" Tyler pulled away looking me dead in the eye, arms lazily hanging on my shoulders.

"Tyler" I mimicked

"Are you ok?" he asked, sliding his hand to lightly tap the scar on my neck from previous family encounters.

I froze.

"L-Listen, I gotta go. You should too. Its Sunday. Weve got school tomorrow. B-Bye" I said, running off.

"Tyler. Joseph. Tyler Joseph"

I smiled



yo i gotta edit this eventually
i think im gonna finish the story then go back and edit everything
sorry if that type of thing bothers you
oh my god
if that "type" of thing bothers you
ill see myself out now
~ Ross x

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