.e e r h t t y t n e w t.

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tw: the worst



As Josh and I entered Ms. Almquist's office, she quietly sang to herself;

"You made a career of composure
She needs you to steer, she's hung over
He needs you to hear, listen closer
It's time to come down~"

We knocked on the door, and she coughed, before saying 'come in'.

"I didn't know you sang" I pointed.

"Well, we did meet for the first time just last week." She giggled.

"He sings a little as well" Josh swooned, lightly shoving my shoulder, causing a small blush to burn my face.

"Oh does he, now?" She smirked, before gesturing for us to sit down.

I looked down, biting my lip, and I felt eyes on me.

"So Joshua, I think it's time we dig deep into the soil. Do you want Tyler to listen, or would you rather he wait outside?" Ms. Almquist's voice was soothing, but Josh gripped my hand.

He gulped and quietly mumbled "he can stay."

"Alright, tell me a bit about your mother."

Josh's grip on my hand tightened, and at this point it was leaving white marks, but I encouraged him to continue speaking.

"My mom was a gentle soul, from as far back as I can remember, always smiling, always laughing, always telling a stupid joke to enlighten the mood. That's all I can remember. When I was eight, my dad came home really late, like 3 in the morning late, and my mom started yelling at him. She started screaming and yelling and I heard things breaking and glass shattering and just constant yelling. Something about how my mom 'knew what he was up to' and 'it was hurting her.'"

As Josh spoke, he made air quotations with his fingers, letting go of my hand.
He scratched his neck, rubbing the front of his throat.l with his index finger.

"He never raised his voice at her the entire time." I heard him choke back a sob.

My heart physically ripped apart.



JoShUa'S pOiNt Of ViEw



"You don't think I don't know you skirt off in the middle of the night, to leave and come back only right before I 'wake up'?!" Momma yelled, and I heard another crash.

I heard whimpering and turned to look at my siblings, all three of them shaking and looking amongst ourselves, confused on what to do.

"J-Josh, are mommy and daddy gon-gonna hurt each other?" Jordan whispered, too scared to be heard.

"No, JJ, no they-"

"Shut up! Shut UP I KNOW YOU'RE CHEATING ON ME YOU STUPID BITCH!" I was cut off by the yelling of our mother, and I shut the door to Abby's room, where the three of them sat quietly.

I was on the other side, the outside, placing my palms flat on the door, leaning my forehead against its surface before taking in a deep breath.

I headed towards the stairs.

"Listen here, do you really think this is a good idea?" my dad had his hands up, momma with a kitchen knife in her left hand, wavering.

My gut ran up my throat.

I crept down the stairs, and walked towards the woman, her back facing me.

Dad had seen me, and his eyes visibly widened.

"What?" Momma snapped.

"Josh, son, go upstairs."

Momma laughed, and flung the knife around even more carelessly.

"Yea right, you measly coward. Trying to convince me my own child is behind me." She sounded so sure of herself.

"M-Momma?" I whispered.

She turned around, and locked eyes with me.

"Upstairs, brat. Now." She pointed her head to the stairs, and turned back to Dad, raising the knife higher.

"Momma! No!" I grabbed her arm, yanking it back. She spun around, the knife nicking the side of my throat, under my chin.

"Joshua!" Dad screamed.

"Upstairs. Now." She seethed, threatening to push the knife further in my tracheae.

I looked at my dad.

"I'm sorry, Dad." I smiled at him, and he smiled at me, and I turned to run up the stairs.

I locked myself in the bathroom, trying to stop my neck from bleeding.

Twenty bandaids, three rolls of toilet paper, and forty five minutes later, my neck was no longer seeping blood, but there were also no longer sound in the house.

It was silent.

No screaming.

No breaking.

No crying.

No nothing.

*end of flashback*

"My dad was found on the side of the highway, three days later, with an empty pill bottle in his hand, and 'I'm sorry, too' carved in his arm." I couldn't see Ms. Almquist's face anymore, my tears were bombarding my vision.

I felt Tyler's grip on my hand, and I begged with every ounce of my being he wouldn't let go.

He is my only lifeline.



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