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If Brendon doesn't keep his trap shut, I'm gonna have a serious problem on my hands. He's only making it more and more obvious how gay I am, and how especially gay I am for Tyler.

He keeps dropping subtle hints for me to Tyler, but luckily, Tyler seems to be oblivious. I hope, anyway. If Tyler's noticed, he hasn't said anything, although it's not like he says an extensive amount of sentences in a day.

We had gathered at Mel's house, and in her living room were very confused parents to see three guys waltz in the door behind their daughter.

Their daughter who told them she was lesbian bet they never believed.

We didn't help.

Tyler slouched back, when they rushed over to us, bombarding us with questions. He sorta hid behind me.

Brendon said he was flattered, but Mel is the gayest person alive, and we were just here to hang out.

Her parents frowned and went about their way, leaving Mel with a bright red face, biting her lip.

As we made it up in her room, she started apologizing.

"You guys are the first people I've had over since... Since Ash really." She frowned.

Tyler walked over and hugged her, which Brendon joined, signaling for me to do the same.

We sat there for a while, comforting Mel. I realized how much I cared about these two, if it weren't for Brendon and Mel, I would've ended up very different.

It took me a second to remember the third body my hand rested on, which belonged to Tyler, who was an extravagance in himself.

He seemed so beautiful, yet sexy. Light and delicate, yet hard and fierce. He was amazing and perfect, yet awfully imperfect and I know I won't be getting the thought of him out of my head any time soon.

Brendon jumped backwards, turning to look around in Mel's room.

"Cozy" he said.

It was four walls. Three were pastel pink, and the one wall with the door was black. She had painted random white dots, and a paint can laid not far from her desk. A work in progress, I suppose.

She pulled out a wii, and we (wii) played Just Dance for a while, until Tyler's mom needed him home.

I was his ride, so I left too, leaving Brendon and Mel to send me suggestive winks and dancing eyebrows.


The ride was quiet. I didn't want to risk putting Tyler in danger, I had made sure he strapped in and I wouldn't dare to go over the speed limit.

"Dude are you ok? You're going 20 in a 35 mph area." Tyler decided to point out.

"Well... yea? So what? I'm just... taking my time." I stuttered quietly and tightened my grip on the wheel.

Tyler leaned his head against the window. Now typically I don't like people doing that on my truck, it gets the oil off their face on the window and it's a pain in the ass to get off. But I'd be lying if I said it bothered me to see his neck tilted to the point where I could see his spine in his throat and his adam's apple bob every time he swallowed. I'd be lying if I said it bothered me seeing him slightly start drifting to sleep.
However I would not be lying if I said it bothered me that there were this many potholes in the street.

I did my best to swerve carefully around them, to ensure I didn't awake the angel quietly snoring on the window to my right.

As we pulled into his driveway, I gently nudged his shoulder, waking him up. He groaned (and might I say it was cute as fuck) and started towards his front door, which he then insisted I walked through as well.

I passed, it's been a long day and I knew my mom would already be pissed at me for not being home earlier.

So with a smile and a wave goodbye, I turned around at his front door to head to my truck.

Before I opened the door, Tyler slammed his body into my left hip, rib, and shoulder area, engulfing me in a hug.

"Goodbye, Josh"

"Goodbye Tyler"

Oh god is he beautiful



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