.n e e t n e v e s.

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what is this???? still no updates because i hate myself and everything i create?


I hope this is gonna work, for Josh's sake. He obviously has a dark past, and it goes way deeper than I had thought. I didn't even know Josh had a brother, let alone that the kid had teamed up against him. Ms. Almquist had suggested he come back later on in the week, with me accompanying him, and she seemed rattled by what he had said. To be honest, so was I. I was learning things about this boy that even I didn't know. I just want him happy. He of all people deserve that. And now, currently, he's asleep on my bed, and it's 4:07 in the morning, but I can't sleep. This boy means the world to me, and I have no idea why. I want to protect him , shield him from any other shit reality tries to throw his way. He doesn't deserve any of that. He deserves someone to love and care about him. I hope I will b-


I quickly slammed my notebook shut, cutting the side of my finger in the process.

"H-Hey Joshie, I was just uh, well, I was um-" I fumbled with my words, simultaneously trying not to let Josh know I had just gotten a paper cut and was in extreme pain.

"Tyler it's okay, I write in a journal too. However, I feel like we put two very different things in our books." He rolled over on his side, tucking his hand under a pillow, the dark blue comforter pulled up to his eyes.

"Now, are you gonna turn that light off and join me, or make me feel awkward about being in your bed, alone." He picked up the comforter and I turned off the light, slipping in on my side of the bed, wrapping an arm over Josh's waist, eager to pull him close.

Eager to keep him safe.

"Goodnight, Tyler." Josh nuzzled his face onto my chest.

"Goodnight, Josh." I whispered, and swirled my finger on his back, lulling him to sleep, but never once dared shutting my eyes.


a quick filler, because i'm forcing myself to become more active in this shit, hopefully i'll upload more often but bear with me, i'm nothing but a self deprecating ball of sadness.


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