.e v i f y t n e w t.

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Josh's pov

"Tyler," I whispered against the taller boy's back, reaching over his head to grab a mug out the cabinet, "what are we?"

I noticed how his breath hitched, and it took several moments before his shoulders moved, indicating he was in fact breathing. He spun around, clasping his hands at the base of my back, placing his forehead against mine.

"What do you want us to be?" his voice sounded so tempting, so grasping, and my mind burned in white heat.

I tipped my face closer to his, and for a brief moment our lips grazed one another, and I felt electricity shoot down my throat and settle in my stomach.

"I want there to be an us" I mumbled across his lips, which were surprisingly soft.

"Joshua Dun, will you be my boyfriend?" Tyler whispered

I couldn't help the shit eating grin on my face before nodding, and kissing his cheek.

This is okay. We are okay. Things are gonna be okay now.

Tyler smiled, intertwining our fingers together, and tugged me towards the couch, where we spent the afternoon under the blankets munching on popcorn and sodas, watching tv cuddled together.

Tyler had passed out yet again, always being so tired lately, but I just admired his features. His mocha hair stuck in twenty different directions, and his skin was glowing, thanks to the reflection of the sun on his tanned face.

I once was empty. I once felt like all my
hope was lost. I felt that nothing I did was good enough, that I had to probe myself of something. But with Tyler, with this beautiful boy laid on my side, I felt complete. I know now that I am good enough, that I don't have to cower in fear. I am not empty. I am not looking in on my life, I'm experiencing it firsthand, and oh damn, I'm loving every second of it.



so yea this has been a roller coaster (for myself mainly) and i wanna say thanks for reading, let me know about that sequel, and sorry for the painfully slow updates!

your friend

Ross x

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