.o w t y t n e w t.

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Still Joshua bc I'm Creative

"Joshie, get upppppp!" Tyler poked the sides of my stomach, and I was quick to squirm away, my ticklishness getting the best of me.

"Tyler, what do you want it's... What time is it?" I looked around, and remembered my phone was long gone, lost at the bottom of the ocean.

Tyler reached his phone, and notified me that it was 11:47 am.

"Shit! Tyler, we're gonna be late!" My appointment with Ms. Almquist was at 12, and it took more than 13 minutes to get there.

"Babe, it's at 12:30 first off, and second, that's why I've been trying to wake you up for the past twenty five minutes."

I bolted out of bed, eager to get this over with. She wanted to talk about my mother, and the lady is still a sensitive topic.

"Hey uh, Josh?" Tyler came around the corner, his complete focus on his phone screen.


"Do you know a 'littlebodybigheart'?" He had Instagram open, and had just had his dm's flooded by this littlebodybigheart person, and I yelped.

"Tyler, fuck! Brendon and Melanie! The last they heard I was, well I was uh, dead?" My voice became quieter, and I logged into my instagram on Tyler's phone. We looked at Melanie's messages, and some dated as far back as a few weeks ago;

littlebodybigheart: Hey Josh, you okay? You seemed a little off.

littlebodybigheart: Joshua answer me.

littlebodybigheart: Joshua William Dun you answer me right now

littlebodybigheart: you're scaring me...

littlebodybigheart: Josh don't make me call Brendon

littlebodybigheart: Did you relapse again?

littlebodybigheart: I'm coming over, Brendon is too.

She had texted me about twenty minutes later.


littlebodybigheart: JOSH PLEASE ANSWER


littlebodybigheart: Josh please I can't lose you

littlebodybigheart: We're looking for you.

littlebodybigheart: we@ll fnd you i seear

Her typing blurred together (nothing to do with the fact that I'm exhausted) and I could tell she was crying. The next message was a few days later.

littlebodybigheart: Tyler's been gone as well, is he with you?

littlebodybigheart: Are you even alive?

She sent a 'hello' my way every morning, until three days ago.

littlebodybigheart: I saw you

littlebodybigheart: Sorry if Brendon and I weren't good enough friends for you to talk to.

littlebodybigheart: Live a good life. You deserve it.

She hasn't messaged me since. Her message to Tyler was brief as well.

*on tyler's acc*

littlebodybigheart: Take care of Josh, I know you will. He's got a rough past, more so than you or I. Be patient with him, and love him greatly. Goodbye.

I quickly closed the app, dialing her number off Tyler's phone, and he sat there dumbfounded, guilt carved in every feature.

"Hello? Who is this?" Melanie's voice cracked, and it was raspy.

"M-Melanie oh my god I'm so sorry! So much happened. So so so much happened and I need to explain myself to you and Brendon." I started talking faster, but her screech cut me off.

"JOSHUA OH MY GOD WHERE ARE YOU" I heard the sound of glass shattering, and winced.

"I-I'm currently at Tyler's house. Listen, I have to be somewhere at 12:30, so I'll meet you and Brendon at our hut at 2. Sound good?" I held my breath.

"Y-Yea! I mean yes, of course, I'll wake him up now. Brendon, Brendon move you fat ass!"

I couldn't help but laugh, and feel guilty at the same time. I should've told them sooner, they are my best (and only) friends.

I looked at Tyler, and he nodded. I finished getting ready, and Zack popped out his room, grabbing the keys.

"I'll drive, if that's okay?"

We nodded, climbing into the car.

As we pulled up, Zack turned around.

"Josh you are a part of this family. Know that. Mom and I love you. Tyler, well fuck, if Tyler doesn't love you then I must be blind. We care about you. You are a part of our family."  He smiled at me, and I hugged him over the chair, which didn't work great, but I promised him a better hug later.

Tyler grabbed my hand as we walked in for my therapy session, both of us shivering with anticipation.


Everyone knows what they want to be when they grow up and I can't even decide on what hairstyle I should have that day.

I have very short hair.

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