.n e e t f i f.

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As soon as the words left my mouth, Laura runs in the room.

"My baby boy! I'm so glad you're ok!" She kissed all over my face, running between Tyler and I's intertwined hands, breaking us apart.

"Joshua, you were saying?" The doctor turns expectantly to me, although we all know damn well what I said.

"O-Oh um, nothing, just, what happens now?" I saw her visibly slump, before sighing.

"Well, you're gonna start private therapy sessions, three times a week for the next two months. Mom, you won't be taking him. Mrs. Joseph will be, if that's ok with her?" Kelly eagerly nodded, anything to help me spend as little time away from Laura as possible.

"Actually, I want to take him, I'm going with him to his sessions. I need to confirm the therapist isn't some child predator," Laura grabbed my hand, "Besides, my baby boy needs me there. He would probably much rather I go with him."

"W-Well, if anybody were to be with me during a therapy session, I'd prefer it were Tyler. Besides, you're busy with work. Mrs. Joseph can take me, I'm ok with that."

Laura was very pissed, nails digging in my skin.

"L-Laura, you're hurting me." I pouted, and she scoffed.

"Fuckin fag, you want your gay ass boyfriend with you so you two can fuck behind a bush. Is that what you want with my son? Turn him into a fag?"

From my view, it was unclear if she was spewing heated hatred towards Tyler or Mrs. Joseph, however both showed to be thrown off and affected by her words.

"Mrs. Dun I'm afraid I'm going to have to ask you to leave." The doctor grabbed Laura by the shoulder.

"And who can force me to leave my only child?" She tried to feign sadness, but I shoved her off

"There's a reason I'm the only child left, and there's a reason I tried to take my life away. So please, go away. Go away. Please dear god, leave me alone." I started sobbing in my own hands, feeling hatred towards myself for allowing me to get this weak under her, to fall into the trap of my brother and sister, to endure the wrath she gave my father, and the death wish she bestowed upon Ashley.

The bitch scoffed, walking out the room, and I wished to sing to the skies that she would never come back.

"Mr. Dun, why don't we unhook you, you start therapy tomorrow. Mrs. Joseph has the address. Oh and, Josh sweetie, one more thing," she talked as she removed the needles from my veins, "stay alive. It's worth it. I promise."

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