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408 13 8

im so sorry
homophobic slurs , abuse

Joshua William Dun's POV

I do not want to open this door.
I do not want to see the woman on the other side of this piece of wood.
But I'm terrified of what would happen to Ashley if I don't.

I turned the doorknob. The only light on in the house was a lamp on the coffee table, but I had never seen it there before.

"h-hello?" I muttered.


I stammered back out the doorframe a bit, holding the side of my reddening face. The woman I was forced to call 'mother' stood in front of me, and grabbed my shirt collar, dragging me in and slamming the door.

"Where?" She spat on the floor in front my shoes.

"A-At a friend's." My heartbeat thumped in my throat.

She stepped closer to me, the top of her head reached my nose, but her bony fingers packed a punch.

"You expect me to believe you of all people have friends? A faggot such as yourself will never be anything more than a lonely little outcast, not even the dirt under anybody's fingernails." She grabbed me by the jaw.

"Were you with your boyfriend? Were you acting like a fucking slut?"

She tapped the scar on my neck.

"If I were you, I'd watch myself, boy."

She punched me.

She hit me in the chest, and kicked my shin.
I fell to the floor.

She kicked my rib, and the side of my face, and I tasted blood as I coughed.

She sat down on the floor, criss-crossed.

"Do you understand, son?"

I whimpered under her gaze.

She sighed, rolling her eyes.

As she stood, she faked a tear.

"W-Why don't you understand? If you could just stop being so foolish, I could love you? I want to love you. But you leave me no choice than to discipline you for your behavior."

She sounded almost... sad.

She walked away, and turned the lamp off, heading to bed.

I spent that night on the floor, bleeding too much to cry, and being in too much pain to move, unti-



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