.y t n e w t.

290 11 1

warning: graphic

Joshua Dun

My mouth went dry, and I had assumed it was something wrong with my cooking. I started choking, and Tyler was quick to start rubbing my back.

"C'mon Josh, you got this" Zack encouraged next to his mom, and I sipped my water, which contained my gagging noises.

After the choking subdued, I excused myself to the bathroom, something feeling off. That's when I heard it.


I looked around, but nobody was there.

"Get It Out" it whispered behind my head, right down my spine.

I looked in the mirror perplexed, I felt my breakfast slowly climbing its way up my throat.

"That's It." it said a little louder

I leaned over the toilet, throwing up anything that was previously in my stomach.

I looked back in the mirror and wiped my mouth, washed my hands and walked out the door.

No matter how lost I forced myself to be in Tyler's eyes, I still heard the voice, like a broken record.


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