.e v l e w t.

437 12 16


I'm gonna ruin y'alls lives :) xoxo

I woke up at 4:37 A.M., 23 minutes before my alarm.
23 minutes later, I hear soft buzzing and music playing, signaling I was supposed to get out of bed. However, I was not getting out of bed. I was already dressed, my teeth brushed fresh, shoes on, and had a piece of toast in my mouth ready to put on a jacket and my bag and head out the door.
Mom was the first to come knocking at my door.

"Sweetie, are you u- Tyler?" She yawned at the sight of me, then took a step back.

"Hey gotta go, I'll see ya after school." I brushed past her, slamming chests with a practically-naked Zack, his only real covering being his underwear.

"Ty-ler" Zack gasped "O-Off"

I jumped off, assisting him up as well.

"Hey I'm heading out, see ya later."

He grabbed my collar, which choked me, and nearly sent me flying to the floor.

"Before you make a mad dash to your prince charming, don't you think you should at least make sure your shirt isn't inside out?" Zack flicked my chest.

I looked down, it was white and had black splotches, a few rips in it here and there. I shrugged, and continued my way out the door, shoving the crust off the toast down my throat and started walking.

The front door slammed, and I turned to see Zack wearing a tank top, and (thankfully) some sweatpants, and he held the car keys in his hand. I don't know if I've ever ran so fast in my life.

The car ride there was silent, up until the corner before school.

"Tyler, remember just, remember how touchy of a subject this is. Be delicate. Please. Josh doesn't seem like a mentally stable person. Take care of him. Good luck." Zack turned to me.

I nodded, reaching for the door handle, desperate for an out of this conversation. However, he was making sense, being logical. It's a touchy topic.

"Alright, thanks. Bye Zack" I stepped out the car, slamming the door as Zack yelled "Love you sweetie!" in a motherish voice.

I stepped in the school doors, awaiting the moment I could see those coffee bean eyes, and desperately talk some sense into that beautifully covered mind of his.


I practically ran into first period, only to feel my heart drop through the floor when I saw the desk next to mine empty, as well as I was feeling in this moment. (420 words kill me)

The day was long after that, I had my hopes too highly set every time I walked around, in hopes to see him bobbing around in the shadows somewhere.

I felt my phone buzz in my pocket.

Josh: I understand what you're doing, but... it's over. It's done. I'm done. My sister, well I mean my only sister I had left because I had two and a brother, but um. They died. Along with my father. And now, Abigail's gone too. I'm sorry, and I appreciate you cared, but you didn't really. We held hands what, once? There's nothing serious here. I have no reason on this ball of dirt anymore. And with a heavy heart I wish you goodbye.

I was shaking, I called him and oddly enough, he answered.


"J-Josh! Please! D-Don't do this, it's worth it I promise!" but despite my pleas, he laughed.

I heard cars in the background, driving by.

"Tyler... I can't be saved"

beep beep beep.

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