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Josh is coming over today. Fun, right??


Josh is coming over today

He's going to have to meet my family.


New Message!

Josh: I'll be there in 5

Tyler: Okay!

--message deleted--

Tyler: Alright see you then

Josh: xx

I blushed, looking down at my phone. Would he really be that excited to see me when he actually shows up? If he shows up?

And that started turning my gears.

What if he doesn't show up? What if he rain checked me last minute but it isn't going through? Does he hate me? I mean why would he? Oh god he doesn't does he? I'm so stupid how could I ever thi-

The doorbell rang.

I opened it, revealing a tired-looking Josh, wearing a large black sweater and acid washed jeans.


"S-So, uh, come in?" my voice cracked

We got settled on the couch, and I scrolled through Netflix, and we decided on Better Off Dead, which, in my opinion, is a great movie. (shamelessly throwing my interests in)

Josh cuddled against my chest, which I didn't expect. He just seems so... not cuddly? I mean don't get me wrong I will gladly cuddle Josh any day but I didn't expect it from him.

The movie ended and my mom walked in the front door, seeing a random boy on her couch asleep on her son.

I saw her smile as I pretended to be asleep.

She turned off the movie and threw a blanket over us, kissing my head and walking off.

Thank you mother for doing nothing but increasing the romantic tension between us it's all I've ever wanted.


I awoke to the bright flash of light in my face, and the sound of someone whispering "shit".

I looked around, first noticing the still-sleeping Josh on my chest, then my brother behind the corner, whispering a string of profanities whilst looking at his phone. My mom hid behind him, chuckling.

I was too scared to breathe, in fear of waking Josh, so I glared at Zack as quietly as possibly, and he laughed as quiet as possible, and I tried my best to go back to sleep.

After what was a few minutes, which mom claimed was another three hours, I felt the loss of pressure on my chest, opening my eyes to see a worried Josh hovering over my body.

"I didn't mean to wake you" Josh whispered, unaware of my lurking brother, " but what if your parents see me?"

And at this, my mother makes her way to the living room with a plate of pancakes and whispered behind Josh.

"His parent has seen. His parent knows."

He yelped and fell off the couch, face turning bright red.

"I'm so sorry miss! I didn't mean, I, it wasn't, I swear I'm no-"

"Woah woah there pretty boy, just sit back on Tyler's lap and shut up. You ramble." Zack smirked, and Josh's open mouth was pushed shut, Zack pushing it closed with the tips of his fingers.

"So now that you've met the sons, I'm Kelly. But please, don't call me Kelly. Call me..." mom tapped her chin in thought.

"Old?" I suggested, causing Josh to laugh and Zack gasp.

Before my mother could snap back, Josh's phone started ringing, causing him to jump onto his feet, looking at the phone. His face went white. As he answered, I heard him shakily breathe out.

the volume was loud enough I heard the response on the other end.

"Joshua William Dun where the fuck do you think you are? I have been calling you all God damn night and now you decide to answer? Oh I'm sorry did I wake you up from wherever you are? Oh that's right! YOU. ARE. NOT. HOME. Get your sorry ass here now. You're gonna have to make up for this. Be lucky Abigail went to a friend's last night. You are fucked you pathetic piece of shit. I fucking hate you. Get here. If you aren't here within thirty minutes Ashley is gonna be the one who has to clean up your mistakes."

And I prayed to whatever god would listen, just hoping that was a friend and just hoping those words didn't mean what I thought they meant. But what I heard next destroyed any remaining shred of hope I had left.


*beep beep beep*

Then the boy ran out the house, without a wave or a simple goodbye.

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