.e e r h t.

585 14 20

Ok theres like
brother banter???
i dunno this is how my brothers and i are so idk if i should put a TW or not
just incase:
name calling and physical banter
(brotherly love?)


I watched as this boy frantically sped walked away from the park.

I'll take that as a no.

I sighed.
Such a shame, he's such a beautiful boy. Bright red hair, nice frame, cool skin, and his eyes.
Oh my god I love his eyes.

Theyre the most beautiful shade of brown I've ever seen.

They seemed warm, and strong. This Josh kid was quite the delight.

I skipped on home, opening the front door to waltz in our white living room.

"Hey fatass, where ya been?" my brother Zack called at me with a smirk.

"Well if you must know, I was at the park, you cockslut" I joked back.

"Hmm" he hummed.  "What's got you at the park this late?"

"A boy"
I immediately regretted that sentence.

"HEYYY TYLERS GOT A BOYFRIEND!!" Zack sang, "boyfriend" breaking at the end from his laughter.

"Shut up! Zack shut the fuck up dude lemme explain!" I knew I was hardcore blushing by now.

"By all means, the floors yours." He winked at me.

"y'know how parks have those crappy ass wooden benches? He was just sitting there. I sat next to him on the bench. It took a bit to realize the guy was asleep." I mumbled

"Tyler you hooked up with a homeless guy?" Zack was crying from laugher.

"No!! He's my age! Let me finish you twat" I spat.
(hey lol that rhymed kill me)

"He leaned my way and fell asleep on my lap for about half an hour. Then woke up. Said something about school tomorrow." I finished quickly.

"Well, whats he look like?" my mom asked giddly behind me.

Zack and I both screamed and I fell on his lap, him curling me in.

Mom whipped out her phone and took a picture.

"So glad my two boys are finally getting along!!" she laughed.

Zack and I looked at each other, before he threw me off him.

"dickhead" I whispered.

"shitface" he responded.

"Well thank you, for being so gosh darn vulgar" mom smiled cheekily.

"Anyway, whos this boy?" she sat down next to Zack, and awaited my answer.

"O-Oh well he, he uh... red! and brown!! and like his breathing is so cute oh my god. an-"

Zack was hysterically loosing his mind.

"o-Oh he... RED! BROWN! HE BREATHE GOOD!!" Zack was crying again and mom couldnt help but cover a laugh.

I glared at the two of them, before explaining myself.

"No you dipshit, his hair is bright red, like a flattened, wide mo-hawk. His eyes are the most enticing brown I've ever seen. He snores quietly when he sleeps and his voice sounds as smooth as honey." I finished dreamily.

"gAY" zack belted.

I slapped him.

"He sounds amazing, bring him around sometime" mom slapped my arm lightly.

"But if he ever stays the night, no funny business." She glared.

My cheeks burned red and everything else turned pale.


Zack was literally in pain at this point I think, and I couldnt help but laugh myself.

Gosh Josh, why did you seem so scared?

I walked into my room, shut the door, and listened to music until I finally drifted off to sleep.


edit: if you just saw all these notifications about me updating this, I decided to go ahead and edit the previous chapters, and edit the future chapters along the way

lmao bye fam
~ Ross x

funfact: apparently i've been spelling zacks name wrong :)

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