.n e v e l e.

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*time travel back to right after Josh runs out the house*

Mom looked at the door, which hung open at the sight of Josh's shoes disappearing from sight.

Zack was the first to break the silence.

"D-Do you think..." His voice seemed to stop all noise at all. The question was in everyone's mind.

Was his mom like their dad?

"M-Mom?" I looked to her, my heart racing. She had a far-off look, and scratched at a scar on her bicep from what the monster of Chris Joseph had implanted on her.

"Do you know this boy's address?" She was quiet, sounded hollow.

I sure as hell did not feel hollow. I felt as if I was going to throw up, everything inside of me fighting its way out.

"N-No, but I put my number in his phone while he was asleep"

She shook her head.

"Is there any way we could do anything? He's obviously not okay. And who's Abigail? His sister? Given the way he just made a mad dash out of here, whatever that bitch can do he doesn't want to happen to her."
Zack walked up and down in front the tv, brainstorming out loud.

"Zack please, you're freaking him out even worse." Mom said.

"I'm freaking out too! This boy makes him happy, Mom! This boy is going through the same bullshit all three of us dealt with. We couldn't save ourselves, let alone him!"

"ZACK! P-Please... shut up! Please, oh God shut up! I c-can-can't... I can't listen to you ramble like thi-"
I started freaking out, and my phone rang.


ACCEPT                    DECLINE

"H-Hello?" I asked

"Do you understand, son?"

I heard a whimper in reply, and the sound of a heavy sigh.

"W-Why don't you understand? If you could just stop being so foolish, I could love you? I want to love you. But you leave me no choice than to discipline you for your behavior."

I heard a click to which I assumed was the lights, and quiet whimpers.

"W-Where did I g-g-go wrong? W-Why her? Why i-is she my mother? W-Why were we stuck with her? W-Why God? W-W-Why-y?!"

My heart physically shattered.

"Josh?" I whispered.

I heard a gasp.

"T-Tyler? What the hell? How did you call me?"

"I didn't, you called me. Er, you may have accidentally butt-dialed me."

Both Mom and Zack were staring at me now.

'It's Josh' I mouthed.

"Shit. Wh- well er, how much did you hear?"

I heard him try to quietly sniffle.

"Enough to know what's going on. Josh, get your sister. Pack your clothes. You two are living with us."
My mom nodded, Zack already on his way to clear the guest bedroom.

"T-Tyler are you craz- fuck ow. Are you insane? You know I can't do that."

"What's your address? I'm coming to get you."

"Tyler, no. That's what stared this mess in the first place. Just... I-I should go. Goodnight."

"No, Josh! W-Wait!"

beep beep beep.

"God damn it Joshua!" I yelled.

I screamed, throwing my phone. Zack came around the corner, and Mom caught it before it hit the wall.

"What happened?" He stood with blankets in his arms.

"H-He hung... He hung u-up on me! The fucking idiot h-hung up! What the fuck!" I was pulling at my hair, walking back and forth in front the couch.

"Will you see him at school?" Mom suggested.


"I sit next to him! That's it! Mom you're a genius! Thank you thank you thank you! I'll talk to him tomorrow, get him to get him and his sister out of that hellhole and put the bitch behind bars! Mom it's perfect!"
I smiled excitedly at her, but both her and Zack gave me sad frowns in return.

"W-What?" I whispered

"He may not show up tomorrow. Besides, we have no proof against the lady, we have nothing but our words to back us. Josh may be too scared to admit to it in court." Zack's head hung low.

"I have to try. I have to. This boy, he means a lot to me ok? I have to try. I have to try." I started mumbling the last part, over and over.

I have to save you, Joshua Dun.

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