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Tyler seemed to hit it off great with Mel and Brendon, which was amazing don't get me wrong, but Brendon's a massive flirt and Mel is super cute. Brendon is just about as gay as it gets and Mel is on the fence... but either way Tyler could easily get with either of them.

Which is completely ok if he does.

Completely. Okay.

Not like I like him. He's just a cute bean that I would love to cuddle and watch kids movies with, or try to put my arm around and us laugh at how awful a move that was. Or maybe hold hands and have sleepovers. Maybe I could even get him up against the wall, both our hands traveling the others body, down, down, dow-

"Josh" Brendon snapped in my face.

"W-What? What happened?" All the blood rushed to my face and I knew I was blushing.

I also had the biggest boner in my life.

"You zoned out, the bell rang, it's time to go" Brendon smirked, patting my leg.

"You may have also quietly mumbled some special person's name" He whispered in my ear.

"Wait shit what?" I stared at him.

"He didn't hear, but oh my god I'm gonna need some holy water for you" He laughed and waltzed off, leaving a very confused Mel and Tyler for me to usher out of the cafeteria with as little questioning as possible.

sorry i havent been active
here have a filler chapter
(ok but the picture of josh hugging josh is possibly my favorite thing ever)

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