.r u o f y t n e w t.

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I sat there, scared that if I breathed too loudly I'd break the air.

Ms. Almquist seemed frozen, and Josh was crying.

"J-Josh, I uh, I think it'd be in your best interest to stick with Tyler for a while. I'll prescribe you this medicine that should help with anxiety and depression, but the most efficient way to go about this is for you to talk, and just, Tyler, you've already been such an amazing help. You two need to have some fun, relax. Maybe hang out with some friends, go on a date, just do something."

We nodded, and I stood, tugging on Josh's hand. We opened the door, the receptionist lady on the other side, waiting. Before we made it all the way out, Ms. Almquist called out to us.

"Oh and Josh, one more thing."

We both looked at her.

"Stay Alive."


Josh's point of view.

Tyler and I got in the car, my medicine in his hand, and his phone buzzed. He gasped, then handed me the phone.

"littlebodybigheart: Where are you???"

"littlebodybigheart: Tyler are you guys coming?"

"littlebodybigheart: what's going on"

"littlebodybigheart: Tyler?"

I quickly unlocked his phone, typing away.

"tylerrjoseph: hey this is josh i told you we'd meet you around 2?"

Melanie took no time to reply.

"littlebodybigheart: Oh my goD YOURE RIGHT!!! We'll see you then!"

I chuckled at their slip up, handing the phone back to Tyler. He put it in his pocket, and slipped his hand to intertwine with mine.

"Shall we?"


It didn't take long to reach Melanie and Brendon, and took even less time to explain the situation. After a few tears (Mostly Tyler, if I'm being honest) were shed, we went our different ways.

We knew it was best for Tyler and I to stick together.

All that night, as I laid in Tyler's arms, I heard him hum a song he played for me earlier that day.

"Wise men say
Only fools rush in~"

I grinned into his chest, and we fell asleep like that, his chest rattling to the tempo of the music, lulling me to sleep. I've never felt more content in my whole life.

"Tyler?" I whispered, sure he was asleep. His melody cut short hours ago.

His snores answered my suspicions.

"I love you."


I'm ending this book soon, should I do a sequel? It would focus more on Tyler and how Josh helped Tyler cope, because this book focused more on Josh. I already have some ideas on how I would want it to go, lemme know.


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