Intro: A New Semester

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Every day, Professor Namjoon listens in on the hushed exchange of words between students in between classes. Students who whisper while not-so-sneakily sneaking quick glances at him are the ones he pays attention to the most. He knows he's the topic of their conversation.

"His face is so bothersome."

"He's so ugly."

"I heard he has a hairy butt, like a monkeys."

"I bet even a hooker would turn him down."

The insults and rumours are endless, and he loves it. Every false word gives him a major ego boost. He finds it amusing that everyone believes what they see when they look at him. In all reality, Namjoon's unsightly outward appearance deceives the eyes. He is, in fact, the exact opposite of ugly.

"Ooh! What classes do you have," an excited brown haired boy asked eagerly as he bounced on the balls of his feet. The slightly shorter student beside him shrugged and handed over his semester schedule. The taller of the two's smile slowly turned into a frown. He made a face of disgust. "Gross," he mumbled.

Kim SeokJin. 23 years old. Second year. The most gorgeous man on the planet.
No one has ever heard him speak without a cocky tone. He talks more shit about Namjoon than anyone else in the school, and he doesn't hide it. In fact, Jin tries his damnedest to make sure that the professor knows he's ugly. Despite his arrogant attitude and rude, relentless remarks, he's a pretty good guy.

"What's gross?"

"You have Topics in Food Marketing with Professor Kim Namjoon, the ugliest professor in this school. His entire being makes me wanna vomit. He knows he's ugly, yet he's always got this smug look on his stupid face. It annoys me." He looked up from the paper to find the so-called 'ugliest professor' standing outside the classroom door.

"Hey," the slightly shorter male grinned and nudged Jin, who was scowling at the teacher. "Maybe your good looks will rub off on him." Hoseok didn't even need a response to know that he was knee-slap funny, and instantly went into a fit of loud laughter, clapping his hands wildly.

Jung Hoseok. 22 years old. First year at Bulletproof University. Full of endless exuberance.
Whether or not someone is wearing a name brand is all he truly cares about. Although he doesn't say anything, his disgusted expression says it all when he sees someone without high quality clothes and accessories on their body. He can't stand having cheap things, either. The snob is nice to everyone, even if he is viciously judging you in his head (and on his face).

"I refuse to share my beauty with that repulsive being," he locked eyes with the 'repulsive being' as he purposely raised the volume on those foul words.

Professor Kim smiled at the rudest student in his classes as the duo reached the door. Hoseok entered first, bowing at the professor before taking a seat. On the other hand, Jin took his time glaring at the younger man. "So ugly," he muttered as he made his way to the seat beside Hoseok.

Once the bell rang, Professor Kim shut the door and clapped his hands together. "Welcome to Topics in Food Marketing. I am Professor Kim Namjoon." The professor pushed the middle of his glasses and positioned them a milimeter higher on the bridge of his nose. He picked up his tablet and stylus before turning his attention to the screen that displays his table's screen. "Let us begin."

Kim Namjoon. 21 years old. IQ of 148.
He is the youngest professor ever to teach at Bulletproof University. He teaches Topics in Food Marketing on Thursdays, 2pm - 4pm and Food Biotechnology Practics on Fridays, 1pm - 3pm. He's a pretty humble guy; very likeable. Everyone knows he's intelligent because he had his IQ engraved on his silver nametag. Namjoon's biggest secret: he's not actually ugly.


I have other stories, I know, but I had writer's block. To relieve writer's block, I usually just write down whatever random shit that comes to mind. Even if it's "Ants are not plants. Food is spelled with two o's... and 1 d. haha. d. get it? dildos."

In my attempt to relieve writer's block, BOOM
Ugliest Professor was born.

~ Author-nim

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