XI. Oh, the Horror!

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"Let's do something!" Seokjin was feeling awfully energetic for a college student on a Friday night.

Namjoon ran a hand through his towel-dried hair and suggested, "How about you study while I go grade papers?" Jin groaned about how boring that would be. Namjoon chuckled as his childish complaints. Sarcastically, Namjoon said, "Remind me who's older again."

Rolling his eyes, Jin plopped down on the couch and crossed his arms while pulling a pouty face. Quietly, he mumbled to himself, "I just want to spend time with you."

Namjoon heard the words that weren't mean for his ears to catch. He walked up behind Jin and leaned over the couch. Then, he whispered, "All you had to do was say so."

The embarrassment made Jin's face feel hot, and his body was feeling hot, too, because of how close Namjoon's lips were. He was sure he would melt any moment now. To distract himself, SeokJin turned on the television.

The couch sunk beside him, Namjoon being the cause. Namjoon took the remote from Jin and put on a horror movie. "Namjoon," Jin sad slowly, the intro music already giving him goosebumps. "I'm not good with scary movies," he admitted.

"There's nothing to be afraid of," Namjoon reassured. "I'm right here." But Namjoon had no idea.

Not even half way into the movie, Jin was curled up against Namjoon's side, arms thrown around his neck. The younger wasn't sure what to do, so he simply sat still while gently patting Jin's back after every jump scare.

The horror flick Namjoon turned on is one of those that don't have a happy ending. He loves it when everyone dies. It's no fun when there's survivors. On the other hand, Jin isn't a big fan of scary movies. He wants there to be happy endings. Unfortunately he won't be getting what he wants this time.

The movie was nearing it's end. Out of the six idiots who entered the jungle, only three remained. Jin had told them not to go in there. Alas, this is a movie and everything that happens is inevitable.

The screen was zoomed in on the lone girl being chased by some hideous monster that has only flashed up on the screen a few times. When she made it out of the jungle, Jin sat up, excited. Repeatedly poking Namjoon's chest while pointing at the TV, Jin exclaimed, "She made it, Namjoon! She made it!" He glanced at Namjoon for his reaction. Namjoon raised a single eyebrow in an are-you-sure-about-that manner.

Jin's enthusiasm was killed the moment he returned his attention to the movie. The monster dashed out of it's natural habitat - making Jin scream - snatched the girl's hair, and pulled her back into the dense jungle. Jin cried out in despair, "No!" Namjoon laughed at his reaction.

Now, the focus was on the last couple. Every time one of them would fall, Jin would yell, "Get the fuck up! It's coming!" He was sitting on edge of his seat.

Much to Jin's approval, they escaped. "Thank God," he mumbled as he relaxed back into the couch. For the next few minutes, the movie was calm. The couple was in the hospital, and all was good. Namjoon smirked knowingly and eyed Seokjin.

The deep growl of the monster sounded and Jin latched onto the younger in fear. Namjoon mentally counted down the seconds before two monsters would bust into the hospital room.
Three, Two, One...

Jin shrieked and jumped into Namjoon's lap, surprising the younger. Jin watched the movie over his shoulder until the credits rolled, and then he buried his face in the professor's shoulder. "Why would you let me watch that, you asshole," he yelled, lightly hitting Namjoon's chest.

Once Jin chilled and back to his senses, he realized where he was sitting. His ears felt hot as he mentally panicked. He had one arm wedged between the couch and Namjoon's lower back, his other resting against his chest. Forehead on his shoulder, he sat sideways on Namjoon's thighs. Too embarrassed to move, he pretended to fall asleep to avoid the awkward situation all together.

Namjoon felt something as well. Though, he wasn't sure what he felt. What he does know is that he found Jin's reactions exceptionally adorable, and he liked the warmth that spread from head to toe when Jin would hold onto him. The younger male didn't want to move when Jin "fell asleep" in his lap. Not wanting the moment to end, he loosely wrapped his arms around the other's waist and closed his eyes.

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