XXXIV. Wedding Day

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[A/N: Again, another long-chapter warning... Sorry, I could find a way to shorten it haha]


It wasn't an official marriage.  The government won't recognized it, but the couple will.  There's no priest. What priest in South Korea is going to marry a gay couple?  They also can't preform the ceremony in a church due to the fact that it is a gay wedding.  But they found a way around these obstacles.

All of the markets were closed by midnight, which provided a perfect place for their wedding; an empty parking lot.  They set up beneath one of the old street lamps in the middle of the parking lot.  The lamp emitted a dull yellow light, not exactly the best lighting for a wedding ceremony, but it was better than nothing.

Yoongi and Namjoon brought pine-green outdoor fold-up chairs (the kind people bring to camping or to sport events), and set them up for guests.  In all, they brought six chairs even though they only invited four people; two of which wouldn't even be using the chairs.  Behind the seating arragement, Hoseok's flatbed and Namjoon's SUV parked vertically, creating a sort-of aisle for Jin to walk down.

Kim-Eomma was the first parent to arrive.  She wore a long, slim-fitting blue dress along with a faux fur jacket to protect her arms from the chilly autumn air.

Eomma Kim was second.  She also wore a slim-fitting dress, except hers was blood-red with long sleeves.  The woman forced her husband to accompany her, but he refused to leave the car once they arrived, so she left him to rot in there by himself.

* * *

"You do know that I'm not a priest, right?  I don't know how to do this!"  Yoongi exclaimed.

"Just hold the Bible," Namjoon instructed, shoving a black leather-bound bible in his friend's hands.  "And then read a passage from it, followed by those cheesy lines from the dramas."


The bickering halted as the sound of Hoseok horribly singing, "Here comes the bride, all dressed in... a tuxedo... Sweetly serene in the soft glowing street lamp..."  With arms linked, he and SeokJin walked down the middle of the makeshift aisle while Namjoon watched his stunning fiancé in awe.

Both men wore matching tuxedos; black blazers with silky peak lapel collars, accompanied by the matching black slacks; a white button-down dress shirt beneath.  A skinny tie hugged their necks beneath the white collar of their shirts to top formal outfits.

Yoongi and Hoseok also wore tuxedos.  Yoongi's was an all-wool, notched lapel tuxedo while Hoseok's lapel was silky and slim.  Both wore matching black bowties.

"...Lovely to see, marching to thee, Sweet love united for eternity."  Hoseok finished singing.  He, then, stood to the side of Jin, for Hoseok was his best man.  Jin quickly let his eyes scan over the audience, and felt a pang of disappointment in his chest at the absence of his father.  He knew better than to get his hopes up anyway; especially since the man wasn't even invited

"Um..." Yoongi opened the Bible to a random page and began reading the first thing his eyes landed on.  "Then he took his staff in his hand, chose five smooth stones from the stream, put them in the pouch of his shepherd's bag and, with his sling in his hand, approached the Philistine...

...As the Philistine moved closer to attack him, David ran quickly toward the battle line to meet him.  Reaching into his bag and taking out a stone, he slung it and struck the Philistine on the forehead. The stone sank into his forehead, and--"

"Yoongi-hyung, just... just stop," Namjoon interjected.  Who the fuck reads the story of David and Goliath at a wedding?

"Fine."  Yoongi loudly closed the holy book and huffed.  He, then, cleared his throat and continued his duty as 'priest.'  "Something something for better for for worst yadda yadda yadda."  Yoongi said with a bored voice.  He decided to just skip to the good part.  "Do you, Kim Namjoon, take Kim SeokJin to be your lovely wedded husband?"

Namjoon nodded slightly and answered with a ridiculously wide grin, "I Do."

"And do you, Kim SeokJin, take Kim Namjoon as your lovely wedded husband?"

"Obviously or else I wouldn't be here," he rolled is eyes.  That's not what he was supposed to say...

"Oh, crap!  Uh, I-I mean," SeokJin frantically began, trying to fix his reply, "I Do."  A rosy blush dusted his cheeks.

Yoongi was about to announce that they may kiss, but realized they were missing something.  "Oh shit, who has the rings?"

"We entrusted them to Hoseok," Namjoon said.  Everyone turned their heads towards the young man expectantly.

"About that..." Hoseok drifted off, darting his eyes at the aged man walking down the aisle in a shabby business suit.

Everyone gasped in surprise as Appa Kim carried a pillow (the pillow he uses at bedtime, to be exact) up to the front where his son and his son's almost-husband stood.  Atop the pillow were two gold wedding bands.  On the inside the rings, words were engraved.  Jin's ring read Love, Ugliest Professor while Namjoon's read Love, Your Favorite.

Once the uninvited guest reached the lovers, he held extended the pillow to them and attempted to smile.  It came out more as a grimace, but at least he tried.  Sure, the grimace was a bit rude, but it still made SeokJin happy enough to tear up a bit.

SeokJin quickly wiped his eyes before taking Namjoon's wedding band off of the pillow and sliding it onto the man's ring finger.  Namjoon did the same with SeokJin's ring.

They held hands and stared lovingly into each other's glistening eyes.  Both men had happy tears roll down their cheeks as they waited for the final words.  Yoongi announced excitedly, "You may kiss the man-bride!"

SeokJin released his grip on the younger's clammy hands and stepped forward.  With bony hands, Jin cupped Namjoon's face.  Both men leaned in and sealed their marriage with a long, slow, sweet kiss.  When they pulled away, they exchanged I love you's and vowed to never ever leave each other's side.


This might be the worst wedding you've ever read in the history of weddings.  I am so, so sorry.  Oh my God, forgive me.

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