XXX. Stick-Shift [R]

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The drive back to Namjoon's house was... interesting.  SeokJin thanked Namjoon for the date, and Namjoon apologized for ending it so soon, and then Namjoon turned on a hip-hop radio station so that an awkward silence wouldn't form.

Namjoon didn't explain why they left when they did, though.  SeokJin assumed it's because Hoseok embarrassed him.  Boy, is he in for one hell of a surprise.

Jin's not sure why he suddenly felt the urge to look at his boyfriend's crotch.  Maybe boyfriends have a sixth sense for this sort of thing.  Or perhaps it's a natural reaction to the elevated levels of testosterone in the air.  Whatever the reason was, SeokJin got an eyeful of boner.

To distract himself from his throbbing erection, Namjoon focused solely on the road.  He mentally appreciated how smooth the newly paved road was.  The white and yellow lines were still bright and void of smokey tire tracks under his xenon headlights.  He figures his SUV probably likes this street, too.

All was well until he felt a foreign warmth on his knee.  Namjoon gulped axiously.  His gulp was unintentionally loud due to the sudden dryness of his throat.  Tightening his grip on the steering wheel, he tried to convince himself that Jin's hand was on his knee as a comforting gesture; that is, until that warm hand slowly slid up his thigh to the very obvious bulge in his blue jeans.

Namjoon spoke as calmly as he could manage, "I'm driving."

"Me, too," Jin replied seductively with a smirk, "stick-shift."  As soon as those words rolled off his tongue, Jin yanked the zipper down and used his other hand to unbuckle his seatbelt, not caring that he's breaking the law.  Jin quickly resituated himself in the seat; sitting on his knees, facing Namjoon.  Then, he leaned over the console between them and unbuttoned Namjoon's jeans.

Despite Namjoon telling him to stop and get back in his seat over and over, SeokJin swiftly pulled Namjoon's hard-on through the slit in his boxers.  The younger man shivered at the sudden chill surrounding his lower region.  Without any warning whatsoever, Jin wrapped his wet lips around the tip of Namjoon's dick and slowly swirled his tongue around the smooth head.

Namjoon inhaled sharply through his nose.  "Baby," he said slowly, "please, I am begging you, please get back in your sea-ea-ea-fuck!"

As punishment for telling him what to do, Jin hollowed his cheeks and slid his mouth almost all the way down Namjoon's shaft in one quick motion.  The younger man released a short moan and accidentally applied pressure to the gas pedal, nearly hitting the back of the vehicle in front of him.  "Christ, Jin!  You're going to get us killed," Namjoon scolded as he pressed on the break, watching the other car speed out of sight.

The slight jerk of the SUV not only caused them to lurch forward, but also caused Jin to completely engulf Namjoon's length, which led to Jin choking.  Namjoon really slammed on the brake this time, the vehicle coming to a complete stop in the middle of the road.  He threw his head back while his clammy hands squeezed the steering wheel so tight that his knuckles turned white.  They're lucky nobody else's on the road.

SeokJin move his head up and down his boyfriend's dick at a moderate pace.  Every time Jin's lips reached the base, he'd swallow to massage Namjoon's dick with his tongue.  Namjoon's long, deep, throaty moans were music to the older man's ears.  But when those moans raised a few octaves and became shorter and more frequent, Jin adopted a new favorite song.

"Ah, S-SeokJin, I'm, I'm gonna---," Namjoon couldn't finish his setence; he was too close to climaxing.  Eyes shut tightly, Namjoon released the wheel and grabbed small fistfuls of Jin's soft brown hair instead, pushing the helpless man's head down.  He was absolutely loving the feeling of Jin's hot, tight throat and hollowed cheeks.  He didn't even need the drug to feel ecstasy.

It was when SeokJin started purring that Namjoon was sent over the edge.  Every muscle in his body flexed and trembled as he came, his salty seed oozing right into SeokJin's abused throat.  A high-pitched moan escaped Namjoon's parted lips, the loudest moan yet.

SeokJin happily swallowed, tucked Namjoon's buddy back in his place, and sat up.  He got himself situated in the passenger seat, correctly, and secured himself with the seatbelt.  Jin was short-of-breath, his face was flushed and his hair stuck out in all sorts of strange directions, yet he acted as if he didn't just preform oral car sex.

"Well then," SeokJin spoke with an abnormally raspy and hoarse voice, "are we going home or what?"

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