IV. Jin's Confession

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"Today's the day," Jin said enthusiastically to himself as he stepped foot into his parents' house. He hasn't yet moved out, but he plans to have moved into the dormitory at his school by the end of next week.

The brown-haired boy sighed in content as he plopped down on the couch and took his pink DS out of his pocket and turned it on. He was about to play a game when his father walked in the door.

"Oh, you're home early," Seokjin said as he stood up and faced his father. "Let me get that for you." He rushed over to his father and took the brown suit jacket from his hands. He hung it up on the coat rack.

"Ah, thank you. Your mother should be here any minute. We would like to spend some quality time with our perfect son before he must pack up and leave home," he explained as he unbuttoned the cuffs of his blue dress shirt and loosened his skinny maroon tie.

Appa Kim. 46 years old. A man of business.
As long as his sons succeed in life, he is a happy, satisfied man. He works extra hard to make sure his sons' futures are garenteed. Appa Kim truly loves his children, as long as they continue to fit into the perfect mould he has created for them.

A frantic woman burst in the front door and flung herself at her stunned son. "I'm going to miss you so much," she sobbed. Jin smiled and shook his head, hugging her back.

"Good Lord, woman! He's not leaving, yet," he exclaimed with a laugh.

"You're growing up so fast! What am I going to do without my pretty boy here," she sobbed into the crook of his neck.

Eomma Kim. 45 years old. A one-of-a-kind mother.
Nothing matters more to her than her sons' happiness and overall well being. She's always had a soft spot for the youngest, Seokjin. Even if it means jumping off a bridge, Eomma Kim will do it as long as she gets to see him smile in the end.

"Alright you two. Break it up," Appa Kim said, pulling the two magnets apart. "Let's go out for dinner, and then start packing, yeah?"

Seokjin's ears perked up at the word 'dinner.' He immediately opened the front door and practically shoved them out of the house. All he could think about now is food.

Noodles were being shoveled into Jin's mouth while his parents ate their plates nice and politely. His mother disapproved of his eating habits. Nonetheless, she tolerated it since eating makes him happy.

One double-jointed finger was held up as Jin chewed his food, his chipmunk cheeks slowly going back to normal. He had suddenly remembered something important. A few sounds of approval sounded in his throat before he finished his giant bite of food.

After wiping the brown sauce off of his mouth (and left cheek), he took a swig of some soda and cleared his throat. "Eomma, Appa..." he began. "I have something to tell you. I'm kinda nervous, though, so please promise to love me unconditionally." He bit his lip and eyed his parents intently.

His father mumbled, "I mean, unless you're dropping out of school..."

"Honey!" Eomma Kim slapped Appa Kim's arm with the back of her hand. "Don't mind him. Of course, Jinnie. We'll love you no matter what," she said as she reached across the table to hold Jin's boney hands.

Jin nodded and took a deep breath. He looked around him to make sure no one else in the restaurant was paying attention to their conversation. Once he confirmed that the coast was clear, he returned his attention to the couple in front of him. Closing his eyes and leaning forward, he quietly said, "I think I like boys."

Jin had no idea that his perfect little family would fall apart as soon as he allowed those five little words roll off his tongue. Just five words was all it took to change his life for good. His parents said that they would love him no matter what. Question is, did they really mean it?

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