XXVI. Double Déjà Vu

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Professor Min's arms wrapped tightly around Hoseok's neck as they kissed in a sloppy manner. It was after Yoongi's last class of the day that Hoseok started coming onto him. By the time they reached the door to the (hopefully empty) teacher's lounge, Hoseok's tongue was already down his professor's throat. Sure, any passerby could witness them in action — and potentially ruin the professor's life — but that very important factor wasn't going to make them follow the golden rule: keep your hands to yourself. With sex drives as strong and eager as theirs, nothing will stand in the way of a good fuck.

Hoseok roughly shoved Min Yoongi up against the door; one hand up the professor's maroon silk button-down, and the other hand pushing down on the door handle. The door flung open with tremendous force causing the metal handle to chip the paint off the wall on impact. The door practically threw the horny men at the ground, Hoseok on top of Yoongi, before it automatically closed with a gentle click.

Yoongi's head was pounding from the hard hit it had taken against the tile floors, but he didn't get much time to process that pain. Hoseok's hand had found its way down the front of Yoongi's dark blue skinny-jeans, and was palming his semi-hard cock. Pleasure overrides pain.

Not wanting to put effort into pushing a heavy Hoseok away from him, Yoongi simply spoke directly into the kiss. Although his words were awfully muffled by Hoseok's eager lips, the younger heard Yoongi's statement loud and clear. "We can't do this right here."

Hoseok jumped up to his feet, and then helped Professor Min stand up as well. Not letting go of Yoongi's hand, Hoseok strode past the matching furniture to the back of the lounge where the restroom was located.

Yoongi took the initiative to open the door. He turned the knob, but before he had the chance to push the door, an impatient Hoseok semi-tackled Yoongi through the door and into the small space. Déjà vu. Yoongi's back hit another human being who jolted in surprise. The restroom was already occupied by a couple who apparently forgot to lock door. Déjà vu times two.

SeokJin gaped at Hoseok, whose jaw also went slack. Yoongi acted as if he was unfazed by staring off into the distance (the doorway) with a blank expression, but the dark baby browns bulging out of their sockets said otherwise. Namjoon, who already knew about Hoseok and Yoongi, simply facepalmed.

Hoseok was the first to speak up. He pointed at Jin and asked, "What are you doing in here?!"

"I should be asking you that," Jin retorted, rolling his eyes and crossing his arms.

"I obviously came here to fuck." Hoseok's choice of words had blood rushing to the surface of Yoongi's face. He was utterly embarrassed. Hoseok received a harsh punch on the arm. He yelped and pouted theatrically before rubbing where he was hit. "Your turn," he said glumly.

"We're on a shitty excuse of a date," Namjoon replied even though the question was intended for SeokJin to answer. Only then did Hoseok and Yoongi actually notice their surroundings.

The unusually clean bathroom didn't carry the usual stench of stale urine over weak air freshener. Instead, their noses were blessed with the mouth-watering scent of smoked duck, warm kimchi and salted seaweed. They noticed that the couple was holding small jar-like bottles. Namjoon's was full of banana milk while Jin wore the pale yellow liquid on the front of his white t-shirt thanks to Yoongi. Partially hovering over the round dip of the sink, a pink dosirak box sat atop the black pepper speckled countertop.

'Damn' was all Yoongi had to say before walking out on them. Hoseok bowed and uttered a rushed apology before going after his sex partner.

Once the door was shut and locked, SeokJin leaned his back against the yellowish wood and heaved a heavy sigh. He threw his empty banana milk bottle at the trashcan and missed by a single centimeter. Namjoon sat his own milk down on the closed toilet lid before helping Jin's to the square metal can that was built into the wall. A small smile tugged on SeokJin's lips at the sight of this simple yet sweet act.

"Whats wrong, my love," the young professor asked as he approached his boyfriend.

Jin sighed again, eyes drifting towards the tanned hands enclosing his own. "I wish you weren't my professor," the student stated, "so that we could go on a real date."

"Me too, baby," Namjoon admitted. The atmosphere was tense, and he hated it. "So... want to try out toilet sex," he suggested jokingly. "Yoongi and Hoseok seem to like it a lot." One scoff and playful slap on the arm later, Namjoon found himself lip locked with the man of his dreams.

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