IX. The First Dinner

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"You eat like a pig," commented Namjoon as he watched Jin stuff his mouth beyond full of noodles.

"At least swallow before you speak," Jin nagged.  "I don't need to see all that."

"Oh please, you're talking with food in your mouth right now."

"Yeah..." Jin admitted, thinking hard about what to say next.  "But I'm covering my mouth, unlike you!"

The two bickered like a couple, but laughed afterwards.  They were simply pulling each others' strings for the shits and giggles.  Jin decided that he actually really enjoys seeing Namjoon smile.  How did he not realize the teacher's true beauty until now?

Namjoon continued to talk - with food in his mouth - to keep dinner from getting awkward.  Plus, he kind of wanted Jin to know more about him since he's the only person besides Yoongi who knows what he truly looks like.

Jin had been drooling over Namjoon all evening.  Multiple times, he's caught himself looking at the other man for way too long, like now.  He couldn't help himself.  Namjoon is a handsome man that deserves to be admired every second of every day.

He watched as Namjoon's expressions change dramatically.  He watch Namjoon tell him stories, using his hands to emphasize.  Unconsciously, Jin would smile whenever Namjoon laughs.  Oh, how he loved that laugh.

At the dinner table, Namjoon's talking about a time when he and Yoongi went on vacation together.  Jin's not really sure what he was saying, because he wasn't really paying attention; Namjoon's lips being the distraction.  All he knows is that it had something to do with strong smelling Ramen on a plane.

Enthusiastically, Namjoon exclaimed, "Isn't that crazy?!"

Jin blushed and averted his eyes to his empty bowl.  He hummed in response to Namjoon's question.  Jin did think it's crazy.  What happened in the story wasn't crazy, but the fact that Jin feels attracted to Namjoon.  "I-I'll do the dishes for you," Jin stuttered, blushing.

Namjoon chuckled and shook his head at Jin's strange behavior, making his way into the living room.  Then, he loudly suggested, to make sure he would be heard over the running water, watching a movie before bed.

"Yeah, sure," Jin replied.

The two settled down on the couch, a single, large handmade quilt draped over them.  The quilt was blue and yellow checkered pattern, the colors stuck out tremendously against the rest of the greyscale house.

Although there was a good 10-inch (25cm) gap between the two, Jin still felt extremely nervous.  His pulse was louder than the TV and his hands were clammy.  Because it was an action movie, the older didn't pay much attention to it.  Instead, he was thinking.

Jin wondered if he ever hated Namjoon in the first place, or was the hate just a cover up?  Finding homosexuality weird, he wasn't exactly comfortable with liking men, even though he couldn't help it.  The older couldn't help but steal glances at the younger's focused face.  Namjoon was really into this movie, not bothered one bit by Jin's presence. 

Beads of sweat trickled down Jin's flushed face, making it obvious that he was uncomfortable.  Very uncomfortable.  He really wanted to be closer, though, so he bit his lip as he slowly scooted a smidgen closer to Namjoon, praying that he wouldn't notice.  And he didn't, for he was too focused on the movie to pay attention.  Jin felt that it was safe to scoot a tad bit closer.

Now, only 4 inches (10cm) remained between the two.  Jin pretended to focus on the screen as he slowly moved one of his legs closer to Namjoon.  He stopped once their knees were touching.

Namjoon didn't think anything of this small gesture.  It was only their knees, and he figured it was an accident.  That is... until Jin got the courage to move right up against the man, thigh to thigh, shoulder to shoulder.

He looked at Jin, who seemed to be watching the movie, through the corner of his eye.  Awkwardly, Namjoon asked, "Are you cold?"  Jin nodded.  "Why didn't you say so?"  Namjoon chuckled and put his arm around Jin's broad shoulders.  "You know, penguins huddle together for warmth."

To Namjoon, this was all a friendly gesture.  To Jin, this was something that made his heart race.  The two are most definitely not on the same page.  It's only a matter of time before Namjoon figures it out.  After all, his IQ is 148.

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