XXXI. Kim-Eomma

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[A/N: Not Jin's mom, Eomma Kim, but Namjoon's mom, Kim-Eomma]

ㅡ ㅡ ㅡ ㅡ ㅡ ㅡ ㅡ ㅡ ㅡ ㅡ

"My mother wants to meet you," Namjoon had informed his boyfriend less than an hour ago.  Mentally, SeokJin was not prepared.  Meeting parents is always nerve-wracking, so when she arrived at Namjoon's house thirty minutes after the news, he felt a lotta bit nervous.

The petite lady sat across from the couple at the solid-wood dining table near the kitchen.  Rice was the only dish missing, so the trio quietly waited.  Namjoon's eyed darted back and forth between his mother and boyfriend.  Eomma-Kim's gaze never left Jin as he stared down into his lap at his fidgeting fingers.

Due to his nerves, SeokJin's left leg bounced swiftly on the ball of his foot.  Namjoon's Einstein-mind caught onto Jin's anxiety on the spot and placed a comforting hand on his knee.  The bouncing ceased at once and Jin inhaled deeply.

A long beep sliced through the awkward yet bearable silence, signaling cooking completion.  Jin hastily attended to the rice, scooping it on a pearl-white china dish, and then serving it on the table with the rest of their brunch.  Today's menu: eggs steamed with green onion, kimchi, and rice.

"I wasn't expecting company today," SeokJin said at an attempt to start conversation.  Like a squirrel gathering nuts for the winter, Jin had pushed his large bite of kimchi into his cheeks so that his tongue had room to move, and so that no food would show when he opens his mouth. "So I apologize for the mess."  Neither Namjoon nor his mother understood what Jin was talking about, for the house was actually super tidy.

The older woman ignored his pointless apology and skipped straight to the point.  Although she sounded cheery, her word selection made it obvious that she was not a happy camper at all.  She sneered as she spoke, "I'm glad I came.  Any mother would want to meet the one who's responsible for her son's humiliating unemployment."

Kim-Eomma.  Refuses to share her age.  Love is the most important aspect of life in her eyes.
Since her husband chose the military as a career, he's rarely around.  She practically raised Namjoon and her older son all alone, so they've always been very closeShe knows that Namjoon is gay and supports it wholeheartedly.

"Please, Eomma," Namjoon pleaded desperately. "Don't be like that.  I---"

"Eomeoni," SeokJin interrupted.  He had a sudden burst of confidence.  Might as well put it to use while it's present, right?  "I am truly sorry that his teaching career was cut short.  I know he loved his old job, but I also know that he loves me.  A-a-and I love him.  You know what it's like to love someone, right?"

"Of course, I love my husband very much," Kim-Eomma replied before taking a small bite of egg.  Once she swallowed the delicious food, she added, "But he would never give up his job for me because that would be preposterous."

"Yeah," Namjoon commented while looking at Jin, "my father is very dedicated to his work."  SeokJin was reminded of his own father and nodded at Namjoon in understanding.  He avoided eye-contact and successfully hiding the fact that he felt like throwing up.  (Thanks, Appa Kim.)

"But Eomma," Namjoon turned his attention to his mother. "I was dedicated to my job, too; a job I loved.  And I gave it up for this man.  Doesn't that mean something to you?  Like you said, Abuhji would never give up the military for you, but you'd feel pretty special if he did right?  I would give up anything for Jin-ah because he is pretty special to me."

Kim-Eomma felt moved by their words.  Love is important to her, after all.  "Do you truly love Kim SeokJin," she asked her son.  Namjoon nodded and grinned at his smiling boyfriend  who no long felt like hurling, but rather squealing from feels.  "Then, I officially support your relationship."  She was still upset about Namjoon losing his career, but there was just something about the way they looked at each other that seemed just right.

Relief spread throughout SeokJin's entire being and he formally thanked her, expressing upmost gratitude.  A huge weight had been lifted off his shoulders now that he knew Namjoon's mom accepted them.

"And might I say, SeokJin, your food is exceptional," she beamed, aged eyes crinkling behind the black frame of her glasses.

"He's studying to be a chef," Namjoon announced proudly with an ear-to-ear smile.  Kim-Eomma verbally praised Jin's career path.  She's always wanted a son-in-law who could cook.

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