XVII. Staying Home

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Looking sicker than a dog, Kim SeokJin woke up with a low-grade fever. He was experiencing congestion, cold sweats, a nose that couldn't decide whether it was runny or stuffy, and the general icky feeling that comes with a cold.

Before leaving for work, Namjoon brewed Kongnamulguk tea for Jin, and placed it on the bedside table. Just as he turned on his heel to walk away, a hand grabbed his sleeve.

"Don't go." Jin tugged the fabric in his hand.

"I have to," Namjoon said. When he glanced down at the sick boy, his heart broke.

"P-please don't le-eave me," Jin begged, a few tears managing to slip through his closed eyelids. Brown hair clung to his forehead, his skin moist due to the cold sweats. Other than pink cheeks caused by the fever, Jin's face was as pale as a corpse.

Giving in, Professor Kim called in sick, claiming he had diarrhea. He cooked sick people food: Juk with ginseng, and forced Jin to leave bed so that he could eat the bland rice porridge at the table.

Because Namjoon was doing dishes, SeokJin reluctantly ate alone. He was already unhappy about having to leave his nest. Eating by himself only upset him more.

As 'punishment' for making him get up, Namjoon had to carry Jin bridal-style back to the bed. When he tried to set him down, the older wouldn't release Namjoon's neck. "Please let go, Jin. I need to get you a hot rag. It'll only take a minute." Namjoon said.

Still, Jin refused to let go. "I told you not to leave me, yet you keep leaving," Jin mumbled solemnly into the younger's shoulder. "Please stay with me."

Sighing, Namjoon gave in once again. Laying down on his side, he held the needy boy in his arms. With SeokJin snuggled up to him, forehead in the crook of his neck and hands on his chest, the professor had to remind himself that Jin has a cold; that it was the wrong time to get turned on. Alas, Jin being sick wasn't a concern for his buddy downstairs.

Inside his brain, mini Namjoons desperately rummaged through filing cabinets in search of his turnoffs. Roaches. Yoongi walking in on him taking a dump. The taste of spoiled milk. Roadkill. Women.

Nothing could keep his mind off of the feverish breath on his neck, nor the soft whimper that would randomly leave Jin's mouth. His usual turnoffs definitely did not distract him from the abnormally warm body against his, nor the leg thrown over his waist just so, lining up their pelves.

Suddenly, a horrifying mental image flashed before his eyes: Hoseok and Yoongi banging against the bathroom wall.

SeokJin felt Namjoon shudder violently. "You okay, Joonie?"

"Oh, uh, yeah. I just had a gross thought," Namjoon answered quietly.

"What was it?"

Namjoon needs to think of a good lie pronto. Problem is, he doesn't want to lie to Jin. Then again, it's not Namjoon's secret.
"I, uh, I caught some hooligans screwing in the bathroom."

"Oh... Did you see their bums?"

"And ding dongs."

"Gross," Jin chuckled as he wrapped his arms around Namjoon's neck. "Why are you thinking about those kinds of things?"


SeokJin frowned. It bothered him that Namjoon would have thoughts of someone other than himself. In fact, it hurt his feelings a little. "I don't like it when you think about other guys," he admitted.

Namjoon smirked and teased, "Why not?" Minutes passed, but neither spoke. The only sound that could be heard was SeokJin's congested breathing.

Jin began leaving soft kisses on Namjoon's neck. "Because you are mine," he whispered between kisses. "All mine..." His possessive side surfaced, and Jin purposely left a hickey right below Namjoon's ear, making sure everyone would be able to see it. "And only mine..."

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