VII. Confronting Him

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Namjoon kept putting it off. He simply couldn't bring himself to ask Jin if all is well with him. It wasn't until the one and only Min Yoongi took action that he finally approached him. The short, green haired man literally pushed Namjoon out of the building and kept on shoving him until they reached student parking. "Quit being a pussy," he said once they reached the lot of cars.

It wasn't that Yoongi actually cared. In fact, he doesn't give a shit about Jin, nor does he give a fuck about Namjoon's newfound obsession with him. It's just that Namjoon would not shut the Hell up. The man would pace the perimeter of the teachers lounge, disturbing the peace, every day. It got to the point where Yoongi kicked him out. But no. That didn't stop Namjoon from pacing. He simply started pacing up and down the main hallway. This also irritated Yoongi, as well as other employees, which is why Namjoon is now being manhandled by a short and grumpy man.

With one final, solid shove, Yoongi figured his job was done and walked back into the building, leaving a nervous Namjoon in front of Jin's car. The only reason Yoongi knew which car was Jin's is because he could see the student sitting in it. It was a safe assumption.

Jin screamed at the sight of the ugliest professor in school knocking on his window. It scared him for two reasons; 1. Professor Kim's ugly face is always scary, and 2. he was genuinely surprised that someone was at his car door. He slowly rolled the window down and waited for his teacher's explanation as to why he's here.

"Um... Jin, are you..." Namjoon drifted off, beginning to regret the decision to be unprofessional. Seokjin stared at the steering wheel in his hands in a deadpan manor. He didn't really feel like talking... or listening... or breathing, for that matter. Three words left the professor's mouth that Jin never thought he'd hear. "Are you okay?"

The sudden urge to cry hit Jin like a ton of bricks as he nodded. He swiftly put the key in the ignition and turned it. Namjoon sighed, accepting rejection. He took a few steps back, not wanting Jin to run over his toes.

Jin was only halfway backed out of the parking spot when his car simply shut off. "Fuck," he screamed, punching the steering wheel. He shrieked when the car horn beeped at him.

"Do you want me to drive you home," Namjoon asked politely.

Seokjin looked at Namjoon with fire in his eyes. "As if I'd let the likes of you take me anywhere," he spat. Namjoon sighed and walked away, getting into his own silver vehicle, but he didn't leave.

Instead, Namjoon kept an eye on the older's car, waiting for Jin to get out or something, but he never did. A few hours passed and still, no activity. Nobody came to get him, either. The sky was darkening, and Namjoon wouldn't be surprised if he sat there all night. Suddenly, Namjoon got the perfect idea. He sped out of the parking lot and drove home.

Thirty minutes later, Kim Namjoon - not Professor Kim - returned to the lot and parked beside the older. He got out of his SUV and knocked on Jin's passenger window. No answer. Namjoon frowned.

He noticed that the doors weren't locked, and decided to make use of it. He slid right on into Jin's sleek black Ford Focus. As expected, a shrill shriek erupted, almost busting his eardrums. Namjoon turned in his seat to look at the older male who had been laying in the backseat.

"Now will you let me take you home?"

Ugliest Professor [NamJin]Where stories live. Discover now