XXV. Jigsaw Puzzle

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Min Yoongi and Kim SeokJin never did find out who they were sitting next to; not that it mattered.  At least in that moment, they both knew they were not alone.

The following day, SeokJin caught people flirting with Namjoon again... numerous times.  He came to accept the fact that people will always flirt with the professor.  That's just what happens when someone's hot.  Jin, of all people, should know that.  What bothered him most, though, was the fact that Namjoon was flirting back.

SeokJin spent the following weekend trying figure out what he should do.  Hoseok tried to help, but it was zero use.  Hoseok's field of expertise is in sex, not relationships.

Eomma Kim works every other Saturday, and this Saturday just so happened to be a work day; she's Appa Kim-free.  Jin knew it would be a longshot, but mom's know everything.  And he's desperate.

When she saw her son's name in the caller ID, she walked out of an important meeting to answer his call.  Her son is much more important than employment.  With tears threatening to fall, she answered, "SeokJin?"

"H-Hi Eomma," Jin stuttered into the speaker.  He was also choking back tears, for he was so incredibly happy to hear her soothing voice again; a voice he had missed so, so much.

"Is everything alright?"

"Y—No, not really.  I uh... I called for," Jin paused for several seconds, afraid she'd hang up on him.  "relationship advice."


"No!  I'm not dating Hoseok!  I never was!  God, Eomma," Jin defended childishly.  He sighed before explaining his current situation, leaving out the fact that Namjoon is his professor.  Instead he lied, saying that he's just a front desk employee.  Then, SeokJin received advice only a mother could provide.

Ever since Jin moved in, Namjoon has paid a visit to Bulletproof University every Tuesday to grade papers and plan lessons in the teacher's lounge.  He could never get anything done at home with such a gorgeous and persistent distraction around.  This routine worked out for Jin as well, giving him more time to study.

This Tuesday, Jin was not studying.  This Tuesday, Namjoon was not grading and planning.  This Tuesday, they were distracted.

"I'm done playing games with you," Jin growled, dragging Namjoon down the hall by the front of his black tee.  The main hallway was vacant, just as Jin had expected it to be.  He made sure his timing would be just right.

Namjoon's heart was like a greyhound chasing a jackrabbit due to his fear of being caught, so when Jin opened the door to the teacher's lounge, the professor nearly fainted.  Any cardiologist would've thought he was on the verge of a heartattack.  Seeing that the lounge was empty, he was relieved and silently thanked the heavens.  But his relief was short-lived.

SeokJin turned around, keeping his tight grip on Namjoon's shirt, and backed the man up until his back hit the door.  With no hesitation, Jin leaned close to Namjoon's face and whispered, "Love me."  Before the younger man could utter a reply, Jin reunited their lips.

The passionate kiss they shared felt absolute.  They felt complete, finally in each other's embrace again.  It was fitting, the way Namjoon's arms held the small of Jin's lower back; how Namjoon's shoulders fit perfectly in Jin's hands.  Both of their hearts were going wild, ecstatic that they're in close proximity again.  This very moment was perfection.

Their relationship is a puzzle.  When Namjoon left, he took half of the puzzle pieces with him.  With pieces from a different puzzle, Hoseok came into the picture (even though it wasn't anything serious).  The ends didn't fit at all.  SeokJin can only feel complete with Namjoon.

Reluctantly, Jin separated their needy lips.  There was something he needed to ask, and he wanted— needed to ask as soon as possible.  Gazing into Namjoon's gentle eyes, Jin parted his lips to speak, but Namjoon beat him to it.

"Please take me back," Namjoon blurted, tightening his hold on Jin's waist.  Without breaking eye-contact, Namjoon continued, "I feel dead without you in my life.  I–I was wrong when I said we needed a break.  That was the worst decision I've ever made in my life.  I miss you, Jin.  I need you."  Nervously, Namjoon bit his lip before saying the last three words, "I love you."

Jin grinned and planted a quick kiss on the tip of Namjoon's nose.  "I love you, too."

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