III. Bad Chef, Good Chef

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"I don't get it," Namjoon whined in a fake nasally voice. "Cooking is so fucking stupid!" His frustration levels have reched their max, and he threw a tablespoon of onion powder across his kitchen. Onion powder spread across the island in the middle of the spacious kitchen and the floors. Seokjin shook his head, for this was truly a simple task.

At the store, Jin had convinced Namjoon to let him come over and help him make the seasoning. After Jin explaining how to make the seasoning countless times and Namjoon not understanding, the only logical thing to do would be to physically help him.

"Okay, get a teaspoon. Not a tablespoon, but a teaspoon," Jin slowly instructed, and Namjoon got the teaspoon as he was told. "Now fill it with salt." Jin handed Namjoon a tin box that contained salt. Namjoon successfully filled the measuring spoon up. "Dump it in this bowl," Jin said slowly, pointing to the small green mixing bowl on the counter and supervised the younger while he followed the easy instructions. "Now do that three more times."

"This is bullshit and you know it," Namjoon grumbled.

"Just so as I say."

Once Namjoon finished pouring the necessary ingredients into the bowl, he was told to, then, stir it. He grabbed a bamboo spoon out of the big glass jar on his white marble counter and got busy mixing.

"Now we just need to put it on the chicken," Jin said, looking around for the meat. "... Where's the chicken?" Namjoon nodded towards the fridge.

When Jin looked inside, he physically facepalmed. "It's already cooked?"

"I bought it cooked, but it has no flavor," Namjoon said with a shrug, accidentally allowing his normal voice slip. This is the first time he hasn't talked through his nose to Jin. Jin lifted an eyebrow, thinking that the voice sounded awfully familiar, but didn't dwell on it. Fixing this chicken is more important than thinking about the man's voice.

Jin rubbed the chicken down with the spice mixture while Namjoon cleaned the onion powder off the floor since it kept sticking to his feet. "Now, all you have to do is heat it up and dig in," Jin exclaimed cheerfully, wishing he could eat some, too. But, he knows it would be best that he gets home soon.

Namjoon thanked him and put it in the microwave. He was expecting his student to leave, but Jin didn't meet his expectation. The only sound was the hum on the microwave as they stood uncomfortably in the kitchen.

Jin just wants to see if his seasoning recipe is satisfactory. Namjoon just wants to eat his chicken without Jin finding out what he really looks like.

Beep! Beep! Beep! Namjoon removed the rotisserie chicken from the microwave and placed it beside the store on the island. "Here goes nothing," he spoke in through his nose. Using a knife, he cut off a large piece of the white meat and placed it in his mouth. The rich salty flavor enticed his tongue. He was amazed that it literally was like heaven in his mouth. Therefore, he chewed slowly in order to savor the flavor.

Without thinking twice about it, he cut off another piece and briskily shuffled over to Jin. Namjoon enthusiastically said, "You have got to try this." His words were muffled since his mouth was still full of heaven.

Seokjin barely had time to register what the other man was doing, and before he could blink, rotisserie chicken was being pressed against his lips. With a blush creeping up on his cheeks, Jin opened his mouth while glancing up at Namjoon. It was the first time the younger had actually looked at him. They locked eyes for a moment.

Jin noticed the smile first, how it seems to stretch from ear to ear. Next, the dimples and how his right dimple is a little deeper than his left. Then he noted the thoughtful look in his eyes. To Jin, he almost reminded him of Professor Kim. The only thing that makes him dismiss that thought is the fact that the man in front of him is attractive as Hell whereas Professor Kim is not. Jin allowed his gaze travel down to his lips. Oh, how he would love to feel them on his own. He was so caught up in the other's facial features that he forgot he had food in his mouth.

Namjoon felt awkward looking at the older with his mouth open, unchewed chicken still sitting on his tongue. "So..."

Jin snapped out of his trance and chewed rapidly. "Mmm yeah really good told you you're welcome well I better get home see ya bye!" Jin spoke so quickly that his words jumbled together and came out as one big sentence. Namjoon took another piece of chicken in his mouth and watched Jin run out of his house.

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