XII. Cheap Clothes

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"I'm serious, Hyung!  Yoongi-ssi told me to buy him new clothes!"

"Okay, okay," Jin spoke into the phone.  "Tell me what happened again, slowly."  He put his phone on speaker and set it on the small wooden table in the dining room.  Then, he picked up his pencil and opened up a textbook.

"Okay, so, Professor Yoongi was staring at me, so I stared at him.  And then I noticed his clothes!  There wasn't even a brand!  I mean, not even a cheap brand was on it," Hoseok enthused.  Jin hummed, letting him know he was listening.  "He called me up to his desk and was like, 'Why are you giving me a dirty look?' I had no clue what he was talking about at first."

"That one look you give people with cheap things," Jin said, as if he was answering a question.

"Well yeah.  I realized that eventually.  Anyways, so I was honest and told him I didn't like what he was wearing."

"You said what?!"  Jin was surprised because Hoseok was rude to a superior.

"Yeah, I know.  But then he was all like, 'What's wrong with my clothes?' and so I told him straight up that they were cheap and distasteful.  And then he said, 'Well if you don't like it, buy me an expensive and tasteful outfit.'"  Jin gave up on studying, too engrossed in his friend's story to focus.

"Let me get this straight," Jin said.  He hesitated when he saw Namjoon approaching the table.  Clearly, he had been listening in on their conversation.  Jin had, once again, been staring at the gorgeous man for too long.


"S-Sorry, distracted... Anyways, so you told Professor Yoongi that his clothes were ugly—"

"cheap and distasteful."

Namjoon whispered, "Isn't that the same thing?"  Jin widened his eyes and shushed him before continuing.

"cheap and distasteful," Jin mocked.  "and then instead of getting mad at you, he told you to buy him new clothes?"

As Jin talked, Namjoon used Jin's notebook and pencil to scribble something down a clean sheet of paper, and then slide it over to Jin.


The note read: 'He must be special for Yoongi to not get mad.'  Jin smirked.

"You must be awfully special for Yoongi-ssi to not get all extra mad," he said teasingly.  Jin winked at Namjoon, who smirked in return.

"Wh-what?!  N-  You must be out of your mind.  I gotta go shopping.  Toodles, Jin hyung!"  Hoseok hung up first, and Jin burst out laughing.

"Oh my God that was so funny!  He got all flustered!  You could hear it in his voice," Jin cackled.

"Oh, you mean like you do when it comes to me," Namjoon asked, lifting his eyebrow.  Jin's laughter ceased.  Without making eye contact, he opened his textbook once again and stared at the page.

"Go away, I'm reading," Jin grumbled.

After seeing Jin stare at the page fore more than four minutes, he decided to speak up.  "You know that's just the page telling you what chapter this is, right?"  Jin frowned at Namjoon's words.

"O-Of course I know that," he defended.  "I just needed to know the chapter for my notes!"  His pencil furiously wrote the number on the header of his notebook paper.  "Go away, Professor Namjoon.  You wanted your student to study last night, so let me study."  Namjoon didn't move, intent on admiring Jin's flushed face.
"...don't you have papers to grade?"

Kim Namjoon's favorite thing to do is teasing Kim SeokJin.  He has also come to the realization that the older has a crush on him.  All Namjoon needs to do is to prevent himself from developing feelings, or else he'll be crossing that student-teacher relationship boundary, if that's even possible...

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