XXXIII. Long Time, No See

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Dressed semi-formal wear, Jin took a deep breath as he brought his fist up to the cherry red front door of his old house.  He sucked in a breath of air and held it as he allowed his knuckles to collide with the painted metal.  Knock! Knock! Knock! Knock!

When he heard the click of the lock on the other side of the door, he blew out and straightened his posture.  The door swung open to reveal Appa Kim dressed in a navy blue sweater-vest over a white, long-sleeved shirt.  Ironed khakis covered his long legs.  The man crossed his arms over his chest and leaned against the doorframe.

His receding hairline showed off his forehead, which had more wrinkles than Jin remembered.  He assumes it's because his father has always been a fan of frowning.  His father also managed to grow thin facial hair that sat on his upper lip and outlined the bottom of his round chin.  However, the newest and more alluring addition to the man's face happend to be the short, diagonal, jagged scar below his eye on his right cheek.  Hoseok was to blame for that ugly blemish.

Appa Kim leaned forward slightly and surveyed his yard.  After making sure the coast was clear of the ex-professor, he grimaced at his son.  Oh yes, Appa Kim is an avid watcher of the news, so he knew all about the teacher-student scandal.  And, of course, that only added to the hate he felt towards his son.

Rudely, the old man spat, "What are you doing here you disgusting rat?"

SeokJin felt a slight pang in his heart, but had to ignore it.  He had to be strong in front of his father.  Voice slightly quivering, he asked if he could see his mom.

"Why would I let the likes of you speak to my wife?"

SeokJin knew there was no use in trying to reason with this man, so he sucked in a huge lung-full of air and yelled at the top of his lungs, "Eomma!"  Upon hearing rushed footsteps getting closer, Jin directed a cocky grin at his father.

"I'm tired of looking at you," Appa Kim grumbled before retreating into his large house.  Right after he left, an excited woman flung herself at her beloved son.

"SeokJin-ah!  I've missed you so, so, so much," she exclaimed into his shoulder and clung to his neck as if he'd disappear if she let go.  Her son returned the tight embrace and whispered a little 'I missed you, too.'  Neither could control the happy tears flowing from their eyes.

Sniffing, Jin pulled away and examined the fragile woman before him.  She, too, had aged a bit.  Her hair was dull and lifeless due to stress, but she was still beautiful in Jin's eyes.  She somehow managed to keep in shape, though, for her fancy work dress still fit her well.

"I've come to, to invite you to, um," Jin fidgeted with the wedding invitation card in his hand.  "Here," he said, handing over the stiff white paper.  The outside had 'Eomma' written on it in Jin's sloppy calligraphy while the inside was written in Kim Namjoon's neat handwriting.

The older woman read the one-sentence invitation outloud, "Now that you've recieved this invitation, Kim Namjoon and Kim SeokJin hereby invite you to attend our wedding ceremony."  Eomma Kim looked up at Jin, who fiddled his fingers nervously.  She was stunned, speechless.

"I-I hope you can attend, Eomma," SeokJin said, smiling somewhat-confidently at his mother.

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