XXIV. The Sexiest Professor

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[A/N: If You Already Read This Chapter... I have altered it a bit, so I highly recommend reading it again.

Fuck the makeup and the overly-slicked back hair. Fuck the librarian glasses and the tacky outfits. Fuck the ugly facade he's put on for so long. The real Professor Kim Namjoon is in the building.

With a huge grin plastered on his face Professor Kim crossed his arms and leaned against the open door to his classroom. He dressed casually in a white long-sleeved t-shirt, loose-fitting khakis, and black converse highs. It's unusual for teachers - excluding Professor Min - to not dress formally, so mistaking him for a student was common. It was hard enough to even identify the man, let alone his position.

"Is he a new student?"

"He sort of looks like Professor Kim."

"That guy is far too sexy to be Professor Kim."

"If that's the teacher, then I regret not signing up for that class."

The professor's smug smile slightly faltered when his eyes landed on a particular individual linking arms with his boyfriend. It saddened him that Jin could move on so quickly. Alas, he forced himself to look jolly as he greeted the two.

The moment SeokJin looked up and met Namjoon's beautiful chocolate eyes behind thick-framed, black glasses, he couldn't look away. It was as if Jin was stuck in a trance. Both him and Hoseok were absolutely stunned to see the real Kim Namjoon at school.

Noticing Jin's frozen state, Hoseok dragged his boyfriend away by his arm from. All around Jin, girls and boys were talking about the new and improved Professor Kim. SeokJin couldn't figure out why on earth he would give up his true identity like that. It bothered him. He was selfiesh, and he never wanted anyone to know the truth because he didn't want to have to share Namjoon.

SeokJin eyed Namjoon as a petite young lady stopped in front of the handsome man. With his gentle laughter and her fake giggles combined, the pair seemed to be enjoying their conversation. They enjoyed it a little too much for Jin's liking.

That woman became a matador waving a red flag the moment she touched Namjoon's arm; Jin an extremely irritated bull. The bull abandoned his seat and charged at his target. He stormed straight up to the flirty bird and, in an accusatory tone, exclaimed, "Why are you here?! You're not even in this class!"

The room became as quiet as the night before Christmas, and all attention was on him. Aside from Hoseok and Namjoon, no one knew why SeokJin was so livid. No one has ever seen him snap like that.

"You can leave now," Jin said brusquely, staring the matador down as if he was ready headbutt her into next week. Feeling intimidated, the woman retreated with haste. Jin cooled down quickly after she left. Then he realized what he just did. Out of embarrassment, SeokJin fled the scene, shoving Namjoon on his way out the door.

Namjoon didn't mind Jin's outburst. In fact, he was satisfied with the turnout of his plan. It played out better than expected. Although, he had to admit, it was a bit overwhelming. He sighed in content.

"Well that was quite the show, wasn't it," he joshed, turning to face his class. Before the late bell had a chance to ring, Namjoon shut the heavy classroom door and clapped his hands together. "Alright, let's get down to business."

While Namjoon was perfectly fine, SeokJin was breaking down. Once again, he could be found crying by the fountain. Hoodie pulled over his head, he hugged his knees tightly and buried his face in them. All anyone could see was a lump of clothes, and that's exactly what Min Yoongi saw. Usually Professor Min keeps to himself, but he himself felt pretty crappy in that moment.

"Don't mind me," Yoongi mumbled as he sat down beside the forlorn soul. "It's better to feel like shit with somebody rather than feel like shit alone. That way, you're less likely to do something irrational and stupid."

Rather than curling up, the professor rested his hands across his stomach and stretched his legs out in front of him while resting his back against the the fountain. He sighed once before staring blankly at the back of his eyelids, and allowed himself to wander through deepest, darkest depths of his mind. Professor Min was so deep in thought, he failed to notice that other the man was leaning on his shoulder.

Ugliest Professor [NamJin]Where stories live. Discover now