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Chapter 1

Noel's POV

"So, Noel, I really think we should wear our jerseys to the game, remember? The ones we got from last season with Niall and Baylor's numbers on the back? The party doesn't start till 10:30, so I was thinking we could stop by Niall's house to get ready, since his parents won't be home, anyway," Elizabeth rambles without taking a breath as she approaches me at my locker.

Great. The annual party to kickoff the football season. Hosted by no other than Callum Evans, the richest boy on the team, not to mention, the worst player. He literally bought his way onto the team, despite his horrid football skills. Money talks, even in a town like Cambridge. But the others boys don't seem to mind because he hosts the "greatest"parties, like the one tomorrow night. No supervision. Free alcohol. And taking place in a huge mansion. You can see why everyone's so pumped for tomorrow night. I, on the other hand, could give two shits less about Callum Evans or his parties. If I had the choice, I would be home alone reading a book in my cozy bed, but I have to go. Baylor would be narked if I wouldn't.

"Sure, whatever is fine," I swap out the books that I need for my next period class.

Lizzy Beth and I have been best friends since the first day of Reception class when I didn't know who to sit with and decided to sit with the only girl besides me who had a big hair bow in her long, straight, blonde hair, Elizabeth Wood. Since that day, we've been inseparable; although she's a pain in my arse most of the time. Even though she knows absolutely every detail of my life, sometimes I feel as though she doesn't know me, know me. Like all this party stuff, for instance.

"Well, aren't you crikey moses?" Lizzy Beth says sarcastically with her famous dimpled grin plastered on her face.

I sigh and look at my best friend, "Sorry, you just know how I hate all this partying nonsense. I mean I just don't see the point of getting loaded and acting like a complete-"

"Hey babe, ready to go?" Baylor appears from behind, stopping me mid-sentence. He startles me as he puts his arm around my waist slightly pulling me away from my locker.

I spin around with a smile and lace my arms around his neck as he pulls me into a warm embrace. "Mhm," I nod, "bye, Lizzy, catch you later." With his arm still hung round my shoulder, Baylor guides me away.

"Bye Elizabeth!" he turns back to my best friend giving her a wicked smirk.

"For the last stinking time, call me Lizzy Beth!"

"What was that all about?" I ask my boyfriend as we head toward our first period class, his muscled arm weighing down my frame.

"Nothing. I just missed you, and anyway, you spend too much time with that loony friend of yours." Without him seeing, I roll my eyes, annoyed. He and Lizzy Beth have never been quite fond of each other.

Struggling to keep up with his quick pace and stumbling with my many textbooks, I change the subject, "So, do you think the team's ready for tomorrow night?"

Football is always a safe conversation to have with Baylor. Unless if his standards aren't met, of course.

"Of course we are! I worked those twits arses off all summer holiday. And I mean, look at their captain." Baylor shoots me a wink with his deep brown eyes and gives me a cocky smirk. "And besides, the game's the last thing on my mind. I can't stop thinking of what you'll be wearing tonight at Callum's," he huskily whispers in my ear. "Hopefully not much," he adds. I playfully swat his arm, but there's no humor behind his words. No humorous smile, no laughs. Just his heavy words weigh in the air between us.

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