Playing The Game.

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Chapter 10

Noel's POV

"Let me help you."

Harry's words continued to play in my head as we walked hand in hand back to the party. I was still scared and honestly didn't want to go back more than anything in the world, but there was something in Harry's voice, something in his eyes, a certain kind of certainty that made me agree to going back. Harry kept looking down at me to see if I was alright. I would give his hand a slight squeeze to let him know that I was. Our hands. I couldn't get over them. You wouldn't think Harry's large ones and my small ones would fit so perfectly together but they do. His smooth, soft hands have a different roughness about them and it sends warmth through my whole body.

I'm cut out of my weird thoughts about Harry's hands when we approached his friends.

"Where've you two been? We were looking for you." Niall asks after he kisses Lizzy's forehead.

"Just talking." Harry answers nonchalantly and declines when Louis offers him a red cup. I'm grateful he doesn't bring up my slight melt down I just had.

Elizabeth leans to me and whispers so only I could hear, "Seen Baylor yet?" I give her a pair of eyes as if saying "you don't even know."

"So, how's the fake relationship?" Louis asks with a smirk and looks between Harry and I. I didn't know that anyone other than Harry, me, Niall, or Lizzy Beth knew. Eleanor has a big smile on her face as she looks from our joint hands to our faces. I feel stupid now, knowing that they know. I'd rather if they thought this between Harry and I was real rather than know it is fake.

"Erm, great." Harry shrugs. This is awkward. So so so awkward. My hand falls to my side when Harry lets go of it. He shifts on his feet then drapes an arms around my shoulder, slightly pulling me into his side. Instantly his warmth and smell take over all my senses. It's like I'm clouded by everything Harry. I've never been so close to him before. I feel Harry's thumb rub the skin of my shoulder through my sweater. Chills take over my body and it's not from the cool wind that blows.

"You are so cute together. Real or not." El beams and Elizabeth shushes her before I could correct her that Harry and I definitely do not look cute together.

"Not so loud! They didn't even get to have fun with it yet."

The rest of the group begins talking about things that I don't pay mind to. I draw my attention to everyone and everything else. The fire was lit, the darkness of the night finally settling in, and everyone began to gather around it. Along with the night sky, the cold late September air came. I wrapped my sweater around me, trying to warm myself.

"You wanna go sit by the fire? Warm up?" Harry leans in and asks me.

"Nah, I'm okay. Stay with your friends." I shake my head. I don't want to put Harry through that much misery and have him stay alone with me all night.

"Babe, it's both our friends." He corrects, "And they aren't being really entertaining right now anyway." I watch as his tongue peaks out and swipes across his bottom lip.

"Okay. Let's go."

Harry drops his arm so it's wrapped around my waist and begins to walk us toward an empty seat near the fire. He grabs us each a roasting stick and the other requirements needed to make s'mores.

"You've ever done this before?" Harry asks me as he pops open the bag of white fluffiness and places one on a stick and hands it to me, grabbing another for himself.

"Nope. Never." I admit and he smiles.

"Me either."

"Oh lord. We're going to catch ourselves on fire." I say and Harry laughs. It's the best sounding laugh I've ever heard.

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