Let Me Help You.

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Chapter 9

Noel's POV

All day my stomach had been in knots, the nerves of tonight creeping up on me. Harry continued to assure me that everything will be fine. Despite his words, a million thoughts ran through my head. What if no one believes that Harry and I are together? What if they figure out it's fake? What if Harry tells them it's fake just to be cruel and this whole thing was a game to him?

Lizzy texted me that she was about to drive up, so I went downstairs to unlock the door for her. Elizabeth said she wants me to look absolutely perfect for tonight, so she offered to come do my hair and makeup and choose my outfit. Happily, I obliged.

Elizabeth and I walk straight upstairs to "get down to business," as she calls it. She knows that I never put too much effort into my hair nor my makeup, unlike her who wakes up an hour or two earlier than necessary to style her hair to perfection. I just never saw the purpose in it.

"Okay let's start your hair, yeah?" Elizabeth grabs her curling iron that she brought with her and goes into the loo as I follow behind.

"Please don't overdo it, Liz. You know I'm not into that and it's gonna be outside in the dark anyways. I don't see why this is all necessary."

"Shh. Let me do my job. It won't be too much, just relax, Noel."

I sigh and lean against the counter, my back towards the mirror, as Elizabeth curls my hair.

A few minutes later Elizabeth squeals, "Almost done! You look great."

"Can I look?"

"No. Not until I'm finished your makeup and outfit."

I dramatically roll my eyes, should've known. I do trust Elizabeth to make me look decent, but then again, I trusted her to find me a fake boyfriend...and I ended up with Harry. Crap.

"And....done! Oh my gosh you're going to love it." Elizabeth takes a step back to look at her work. Hopefully the huge smile on her face means good news.

"Alright! Ready for makeup?" Lizzy Beth waves her huge makeup bag in the air and I groan. This is going to be a long night.


An hour or so later, Lizzy has completed my hair, makeup, and handed me a dress to put on. I quickly denied it. No way in hell I'm wearing the short coral dress that my best friend literally is making the puppy dog face for. Not when it's going to be outdoors, probably cold, and definitely not with Harry's roaming hands. Finally, she settled for my own choice, skinny jeans, white v neck paired with a sweater and of course, converse.

"You look great, Noel. Baylor isn't gonna know what to do with himself when he sees you." Elizabeth says as she pulls me in front of my full length mirror to finally see myself. Elizabeth is much much better at beauty than choosing boyfriends. My hair is in large, loose curls. My makeup looks natural but pretty and my outfit is simple. Perfect.

"Thank you, Lizzy. Love it." I turn around a give her a hug.

"You deserve to be happy, Noel."

"I know...thank you." I smile.

"Let's go downstairs!" Elizabeth suddenly says and tugs on my arm after checking her phone.

"Alright?" I say hesitantly and grab my phone before following her.

Elizabeth sits on the couch and fumbles with her phone as I stand in the middle of the room confused.

"You're so weird." I laugh, "What was that all abo-?" I'm cut off by the door bell ringing.

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