Broken Barriers & Broken Bets.

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Chapter 21

Noel's POV

I feel my feet tangled in the blankets and try to slowly kick them out, untangling them. Problem is, my feet won't budge, still being held in place. I'm still exhausted and don't even open my eyes. I cuddle in closer to the pillows and try to fall back asleep. It wasn't until then that I notice the slow rise and fall of my head and the tight grip on waist, holding me close. Slowly I open my eyes and see that my head is rested on Harry's toned bare chest, his chin rested on my head. What the fuck? Why are we cuddled? What the hell happened to the pillow barrier? Shit. Harry's gonna be so pissed when he wakes up.

I slowly try to slip my arm off his torso without waking him. When he doesn't wake, I try to pull my legs out, which are tangled with Harry's, not the blanket. He has one leg draped over mine and the other lies in between mine. Fuck. I try to remove my legs from his tight grasp, but stop completely when his light snoring stops. I stay there frozen and wait for him to fall back asleep. Instead, he groans and pulls me back down to him, nuzzling his head into my hair. Harry pulls our bodies together even closer by my waist. He has to be sleeping, unaware that we're fucking cuddling. He has to. He went to bed pissed at me last night. No way in hell he'd be voluntarily cudd-

"Good morning, beautiful." Harry's raspy voice is filled with sleep and it send shivers through me.

"Um, good morning." Isn't he pissed at me?

"Slept well?"

I nod. This is so fucking weird. Why didn't he push me off the bed when he realized we're cuddling? I'm so confused.

"What time do we have to start getting ready?" He asks sleepily and rubs his eyes. I still haven't looked at his face, and in a weird way, I'm scared to.

"Probably soon. What time is it?"

He reaches over to grab his phone off the bedside table. I feel his muscles move under my touch.

"10:05" he answers and drops his phone to the mattress, bringing his arm back to its original place on my waist.

"The ceremony doesn't start until one, but Mason asked if we could go help set up so he isn't alone with the psychos." I smile with my head still on Harry's warm chest.

"Well, we better start getting ready then." I sit up and Harry stretches. I try not to look at his tone naked torso but fail epically and Harry just chuckles that I'm staring. Why isn't he still mad at me? I'm not complaining, I hate having Harry mad at me but what happened that got him over the Baylor thing?

He stands from the bed with a yawn and I stare at the pillows that were supposed to prevent Harry and I touching at the foot of the bed, some on the floor. Well, that explains that.

I clear my throat and look at Harry. His eyes are slightly swollen and his unruly hair is every where. I find the courage to ask him about our cuddle session, "Harry? What happened with-"

"Shh," he cuts me off and walks over to my side of the bed. He plants a kiss on my head, "it was nothing, babe."


After Harry and I both showered, he lets me take the bathroom to get ready while he dresses in the bedroom. I text back my mom, who asked who the hell's junk truck was in our drive way. I came up with a quick excuse. She doesn't know about Harry and I's..."relationship." And she won't.

I curl my last strand of hair and listen to Harry's rant, "I mean did you see the way they looked at us, Noel? You have just enough money as them and they still looked at you like you were a hobo on the side of the road." He says loudly so I could hear him through the closed door.

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