Every Kind of Tension.

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Chapter 20

Harry's POV

After hanging up with my mum, I lay back down on the bed and run a hand down my face. I'm confused and shocked. I just remember watching tele and then I wake up from a loud noise and the next thing I know, Noel is standing before me, wrapped in a towel, body still glimmering with water from her shower. I don't know what got over me, but I just couldn't look away, and Noel didn't run away like I expected her to. We were both in this trance that couldn't be broken. Fuck, I really have to piss, but I'm sure Noel is gonna take her good ole time in there, not wanting to come out and face me.

I sigh and grab my bag. It's a little pass five o' clock and I don't want to be getting ready at the last minute and cause Noel to have a nervous breakdown. It's going to be six o' clock and she'll be freaking out, thinking we're late when all we have to do is ride the elevator down and find the restaurant that the dinner is being held at. I search through my bag, pulling out a clean pair of jeans and a white shirt, the usual.

I hear a door opening and I turn to see Noel slowly exiting the bathroom while holding her suitcase by the handle, dressed in skinny jeans and a peach jumper. She steps further into the room, still staring at me.

"The uh- bathroom is open if you need it." She says quietly and puts her suitcase in its original spot on the chair. I nod and take my clothes with me.

Noel's POV

You could literally feel the awkwardness and tension in the air when I came out the bathroom. All I want to do is go home and never have to face Harry again because the humiliation is killing me. But there's nothing I can do about it, so I take my hair out its bun and begin to straighten it. I'm half way done when Harry strides out the bathroom wearing his usual black jeans and white t-shirt. His hair looks different though. Instead of his usual curly mop that goes across his forehead, his curls are pushed up to the side in a quiff. The look suits him well and makes him look older. He catches me staring and I quickly look away, finishing my hair. Harry continues to remind me of the time as I put on my makeup.

I hear him sigh from behind me, "Why do you waste time putting on that stuff? You don't need that shit anyways." He huffs.

"Well thank you, but I like it." I answer as I swipe a few more coats of mascara on my lashes.

"6:03" he informs me.

"I'm coming." I check my hair and face once more in the mirror. This is it. I'm about to face my dad, my family, and Maisie for the first time in months. My stomach turns with nervousness. I slip on my boots, grab my purse and the key to our room, and start to walk out the door.

"Erm, wait." Harry says for behind me. I turn to see him holding his phone out. "Uh, my mum wants pictures. Sorry I know it's weird, but..." He trails off.

I shake my head, "It's fine." I assure him.

I go close to Harry's side. He's almost a whole head taller than me. Harry wraps his arm around my waist and pulls me closer. He extends his muscular arm out and puts his front camera on. I smile but Harry has his serious face on, acting too manly to smile. I pull away before he can snap the picture.

"What?" He asks.

"I'm not taking a picture with you unless you smile."

He groans, "Noel, please. This is just to make my mum happy."

"And I bet she'll be happier if you smile, show you're happy. Show off those dimples." I laugh and poke his cheek. He swats my hand away and pulls me closer.

"Fine." He grumbles.

He has his arm around my waist like before, but he leans forward, lowering to my height. I smile and so does he, dimples and all. If I'd be an outsider looking in, I'd actually think that this was a cute picture taken by a happy couple. He snaps the picture and makes sure it's alright. He then locks his phone and slips it into his back pocket and takes my hand in his, walking out our room.

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