Rock Bottom.

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a/n: hope you enjoy!


The Fray - Heartbeat

Keane - Somewhere Only We Know

John Legend - All of Me

Chapter 27

Noel's POV

I wake up at 10:30 to see Lizzy sitting up on the side of me, scrolling on her phone. I sit up and my head instantly starts throbbing. I groan, covering my face with my hands. This day is already crappy and it's only just begun.

"Finally! Good morning, sleepy head." Elizabeth laughs.

"Do you have pain medicine?" I ask into my hands.

"Yeah, first drawer on your right."

I crawl out from under the duvet and go in the bathroom connected to her room and find the Advil. I take one dry, without any water. I look at myself and cringe. I took off all the makeup once we got back last night, so my cheek is bare with no coverage. It's not nearly as bad as it was yesterday, but it's still bruised enough to get attention. My eyes are puffy, my hair is tangled, and I look like a mess in the sweat pants and shirt Liz lent me to sleep in. I brush my teeth with the spare toothbrush she gave me to use last night.

"You know, I thought it would've been me who needed medicine after drinking so much last-" A loud gasp cuts off Elizabeth. She's sat there, gawking at me as I stand in the doorway.


"Noel, your face! What happened?" Her jaw hangs open in shock.

I knew she'd freak about it sooner or later. I sigh and take a seat on her bed, " mum."

"She hit you? Noel!" Lizzy Beth scoots closer to get a better look.

"Yeah, uh...she walked in on," I swallow loudly, not wanting to bring him up, "on Harry and I kissing."

"Oh my God. Are you okay? Where've you been staying? Why was she even home?" My best friend asks with wide eyes.

"I've been at Harry's. And I don't even know. She walked in and went crazy on me." I shrug.

"Well you're welcome here anytime. You know that." She gives me a sad, pitiful smile and a hug.

"Thanks," I mutter. I hate having to depend on others.

"So," Lizzy changes the subject and I'm thankful, "what do you want to do today? Mum is at work and Benny won't be home until later."

I smile and shrug, "Whatever's fine. Tell me about you. What've you been doing?" I just want to get the attention off of me. Last thing I need is to repeat the week by having to explain every detail to Elizabeth.

"Boring. Spending time with Niall." She laughs and rolls her eyes, "He asked me to fly to Ireland with him and his family for Christmas holiday." A huge smile takes over her face.

"So are you?" I smile, happy that her relationship is so happy and simple.

"Well I have to talk to my mum about it, but I really want to. He was explaining to me everything they have there. Like his uncle has a ranch with horses we could ride, and all his family-" she stops talking to check the text she got in. "Stupid group text," she mumbles under her breath.

I lean over to reach the bed side table and grab my phone. I turn it on to see numerous texts and calls from Harry, telling me to contact him now. I roll my eyes and lock my phone.

"Noel..." The look on Elizabeth's face is frightening, like she just got the news someone died or something.

"Hey, are you alright?" I ask. She looks like she's about to hurl.

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