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Chapter 40

Noel's POV

"I don't understand why we couldn't stay home," Brently groans from the backseat of Harry's truck.

"Because the park will be more fun. You're a kid, dude. You're supposed to think playgrounds are the greatest things ever," Harry laughs.

"Yeah, well not when it's freezing outside and I have to sit back here in this cramped seat," the seven-year-old complains like he's seventeen.

Harry had gotten a call from his mum at lunch asking if he could watch B for the afternoon because she had to take another nurse's shift and Gem had a date. Harry said yes, of course, but begged me to join him in his chore of babysitting. I happily agreed.

Now, we are sitting through the short ride, listening to Brently's protests about Harry's idea of going to the park. It's amusing really. You can see the gleam in Harry's eyes, the hint of excitement to go on the playground. He's a kid at heart.

It's not long before the three of us are climbing out the truck, walking across the green grass to the play sets. Brently is grumpy, stomping behind me, while Harry is practically skipping.

"Brently, lighten up!" Harry calls in laughter as the young boy kicks at the swings.

"Okay. This was great, really. I had fun. Can we go home now?" he whines.

Harry huffs and rolls his eyes, "No. Now go play. You need exercise."

I laugh at his terrible attempt of making a point and sit on the swing made for young kids. Looking past the bitter air, it's an extremely beautiful day. The sun is out, lessening the bleak weather just a tad. I don't mind the cold, though. Cold, rainy days are actually my favorite. I enjoy them even more when I have someone to share them with. To watch movies or share stories. Or, especially my favorite, to turn out the lights and watch the rainfall through the window. To sip on sleepy time tea and just listen to the howling storm that hangs just outside the glass. Somewheres in the chaos, I find peace and comfort through the act. I only managed to get Lizzy to sit through one rainstorm with me. She kinda ruined it, though, with the smacking of her gum, slurping of her tea, and her groans of boredom. Even so, I appreciated her exertion. So having two important people from my life here on this wintry day makes me appreciate it even more so.

My mind drifts off to yesterday. If I'm being fully honest, I couldn't stop thinking about it all day. Partially because of the embarrassment that came with the assumption that Harry was offering me sex, but the other reason because I just couldn't shake the memory etched deep into my mind of the feeling of his lips on mine, of our tongues dancing together, of his grunts and strong hold on my waist. It was a movie replaying over and over again in my mind and I couldn't rid of it. Thankfully, Harry didn't bring any of it up today. Part of me wishes he did. Part of me wants to know his thoughts, his feelings on the whole thing. Did he want more? Am I experienced enough to please Harry knowing that he's had his fair share of...rounds? Did he really mean what he said about doing it with no regrets?

I'm crazy, lost my marbles, absolutely gone mad. I shake my head, a failed attempt to clear the thoughts that swirl in my fuzzy head about Harry and I being intimate and make patterns with my shoes in the dirt. When I look up, B has taken a seat on the swing next to mine.

"What's wrong?" I ask, noticing the dolorous look on his face.

"You don't find him to be a bit embarrassing?" Brently asks as he focuses ahead and I watch the corners of his mouth twitch upward, and smile fighting through.

"What?" I ask, but find my answer when I look ahead.

Harry, the 5'11" seventeen-year-old boy, is sitting on a miniature slide. Perched at the top with his long slim legs spread out, his feet practically reach the ground. The biggest, goofiest smile is etched on his face, causing laughter to erupt from me and playful groans to come from B.

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