Playing Pretend.

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Chapter 31

Harry's POV

As soon as Noel leaves, I call Zayn. He answers the line as I flip my desk chair over and take a seat in it.

"Figured you'd be calling," you could practically hear the smirk through his words. "So the bet, yeah?"

"Yeah. I decided I want to do it," I pinch my bottom lip between my pointer and thumb. A feeling of guilt courses through me, but I push it aside.

"Are you sure? Because there's no going back after this time. If you're in, you're in," Zayn warns.

I don't over think it, "Yeah. I'm in."

"What had you change your mind?"

"Like you said, I'd be losing a lot. Realized I should just give it a shot. I've got nothing to lose," I shrug although Zayn can't see me.

"Good choice. So you know what you have to do, yeah?"

"Yeah, it'll be easy," I sigh. I know it won't. Nothing is easy with Noel.

After hanging up with Zayn, I type a quick text to send to Noel apologizing for my weird behavior and saying that my Mum wanted to discuss my suspension. I feel a little bad about lying, but send it anyway.


"Until Friday," she repeats to make herself clear.

"Mum," I groan with my head tilted back, being a little over dramatic, "really? Until Friday?"

"Yes, straight to work and straight back home. I mean it, Harry. And you're lucky this is only for four days. I should ground you for a whole week since you broke our promise, but I'm being nice."

"I said I was sorry about that. And I have a valid reason behind this. It's not like I enjoy going up to people and punching their face!"

Only some people, like Baylor.

"Harry!" my mum scowls and turns away from the sink to shoot me a pair of eyes.

"What? I'm just saying I was doing a good thing. I was doing what was right," I walk around the counter to her.

"And I understand that. That's why you're only grounded for four days, not seven." She dries her wet hands after washing the last dirty dish from supper, "Think of the positives, darling."

"I still don't see why grounding me is necessary," I mutter.

"To teach you a lesson, H," she gives me a knowing smile as she walks past me.

"And what would that lesson be?" I ask, dreading the next few days stuck in this house other than going to work.

"To solve things with your mouth, not with your fists. Sometimes words move people more than actions do."

And with that, Mum leaves me in the kitchen to dry and pick up the dishes.

Noel's POV

Thursday came quickly and I continued to remind myself that I only had one day left, one day left of school until the weekend. Things were calm and quiet without Baylor, Calum, Zayn, or Harry at school. With them all being gone, it was like a soothing break from the drama. I almost didn't even mind coming to school. A few people still said things about me as I passed them in the halls while others still gave me weird faces, but I could handle it. I was fine.

The lunch bell rang and I walked through the crowded hall among the people rushing and shoving to be first in the lunch line. I finally made my way outside without getting trampled. I took a seat at a table with Lizzy, Niall, Eleanor, and Louis. I kind of felt out of place, like the fifth wheel. Luckily the two couples kept their loving touches to a minimum. I instantly thought of Harry and how if he'd be here, I wouldn't feel an ounce of discomfort. Or maybe I would...who knows with him.

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